Friday, February 17, 2006
VCH rehearsal
yup, we went to VCH to rehearse, mr de said we did good. i kinda thought so too, ok, but before we get all bubble headed, too bad it wasn't the concert itself, BUT for the concert, we MUST do BETTER. yayyy. the acoustics there was so cool, there was an echo..echo..cho...ho...o. ahahhaa, fun.
i'm realy tired now, honestly, i could go to sleep now, just that i don't want to. and i just had a can of this chocolate latte thing from 7-eleven on my way home. i don't think the caffaine really works on me, or cus there wasn't enough or sth, it kinda tasted like chocolate milk.
n not to mention sleeepyyyy too, i slept on the bus on the way back to school from VCH and my silly senior took a picture of me on her phone, with me ASLEEP. THEN, wait, there's more. she passed it AROUND THE BUS. ahaha, and my other anal retentive of a senior whom i sat beside didn't even wake me up. so i woke up with the phone in my face and the picture of me sleeping, staring back at me. ok, that's not right, it can't stare back cus it's sleeping but whatever, that's not the point. i just managed to catch a vague glimpse of it before i started screaming, ahahah, so my senior deleted it. well, i should just be thankful that not the whole band was in that bus, hahaha. BUT, lookie, there's still more. i didn't get to see the pic in detail so i was kinda worried i fell asleep with my mouth open. IT HAPPENS OKAY. yeah, so i asked around, haha, one said yes, another said no, another said... DUHHhh...dunno. so i gave up and just hoped it was closed. well, i know i fell asleep with it closed but i usually unconciously open it while sleeping. hahha, sleep-mouth-opening. WHATEVER, haha, SO LAME. hahaha, ok, i've been making fun of 'i not stupid too' all day. haha KOOL MAN. then for a while, people i've never spoken to in my life, even after they joined band, started coming up to me going 'hahaha, i saw your pic!'. yayy, i'm famous now... just. not the way i expected to be, ahahah.
yeah, today was fun even though i just made a BIG fool out of myself.
GONE SHOPPING, 2/17/2006 09:42:00 pm
Thursday, February 16, 2006
milo stains on a white blouse
some things has just been kinda scewy. gosh, who am i kidding? everything is. the only good news i've had for weeks is that i might be able to do my homework while watching mtv/ cartoon network later since there's just a few mickey mouse homework.
well, things have been just a little downhill since... last week. i look up but i just can't find that little black cloud following me. okay, not so latest news... well, not so lastest cus i've just been hoping and praying that it might just show up since friday. i really don't want to lose it, not again, but it's been a week, i really should go get another one... not again. ok, i've lost my wallet, again. people arn't believing me, like come on, i only took your stuff because you left them there n u should be thankful because if i didn't, what you thought happened might have really happened. then some smart asses decided to just try taking them away just for kicks and i get blamed. wth la. n now i've lost it for real n m not telling it to anyone or else u might just think it's one of my 'tricks'. fine whatever, but argh, just... just... not. again.
k, i half reluctantly went to watch 'i not stupid too' yesterday since i wasn't going for lunch with my mother anymore and i didn't know what to do. i wanted to watch the movie, reallyreally, but just not with the people i went with, sorry. i honestly wanted to go with becks, laurel, joyly n qian, maybe even chryssy, but yeah, i think they already watched it n there's hardly anymore chances to go. i really found the movie kinda... anti-climatic. cus everytime they show something sad or touching, they immediately show something funny, how to cry? but i really don't know how some people can. but i don't know.. i normally can cry at movies, maybe it was the fact tt eunice was looking over my shoulder every five seconds waiting to see whether i was crying, or maybe i've just... become colder? i don't know, i always felt like laughing when it's supposed to be sad...
oh, with regards to my title, well, it's not just something i saw which happened to qian but it was kinda cool if you look at it another way. a white blouse kinda represents perfection, and milo stains represents the hidden flaws. gosh, why didn't i take lit? or well, if u look at it another way, today sure is a milo stainy day cus i just stained my blouse with chocolate ice cream... though it's not really milo... whatever.
erm... i think it's 8 more days to the concert, but i still have all my four tickets, anyone want them? i asked my mother a couple of times and she said most probably ok, but honestly... -thumbling fingers- i... don't... really... -still thunbling- want... my parents... to come... ok, i know you're thinking, 'SHUT UP YOU SELFISH BITCH' because i know many people who want their parents to come but they can't. and that i should be grateful my parents can but... i just... sorry.
the music broke, literaly
GONE SHOPPING, 2/16/2006 10:00:00 pm
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
valentines day
omg, i was sooo dead until two days ago, i realised that valentines day was today, i thought it was the 18th or sth leh! so i rushed to NTUC, brought out all my mum's cookbooks, and visted the stationary shops. i was kinda amazed at how i managed to get everything done so fast, but i kinda... forgot some people. DON'T KILL ME! yeah... sorry, sorry sorry. i'll get you something sometime or another. yeah, u know u know, here's a fun fact! ok whatever, anyway, all the gift thingys are all personalised! yayy, haha, i had to make a list n line them up in order to know who's is which n which is who's. yay... lame.. "'
haha, ok, since it's valentines day... here goes..
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! -throws confetti-
haha, PICTURE!
GONE SHOPPING, 2/14/2006 06:05:00 pm
Saturday, February 11, 2006
whoever said a picture's worth a thousand words?
ok, i'll give you a big fat prize if u can actually make something out of this whole mess of nothingness.
ok, i went to mustafa center a few days ago with my mother and sister, we mainly went to little india for lunch but i wanted to check out mustafa's. they've got just about anything from anywhere and everything from everywhere... almost. they didn't have most stuff you could get from tanglin mall, hahaha. but well, if you like something of local fair and can't get it anywhere else, you can get it at mustafa's.

MYSTERY PIC! ok, it's kinda obvious what it is, but i tried my best by putting flash n making it a bit shaky, but whatever. i think someone by the name of DEBBIE would be pleased i got this. hahaha

ok, if you still don't know what it is, i'm not telling. but i still got it for an obcene price of 3.20. cheap ok. well, compared to others...

i got pore packs! haha, since they were so dirt cheap, n my mother was paying, i just grabbed whatever i could, even useless stuff like these. but they do work, once in a while.

ok, enough of mustafa's. i found this at home one day and since then, it has become my new found love!

aww, look. ridena's all sad and lonely now. ok, so whatever. ahaha
oh, and just because i'm so bored, here's what i'm doing now.

munching on sweets! but i don't really like these, after just two of them, my tongue became all fuzzy. it happens sometimes when i eat too many sweets i guess..
aww, last photo(s).
my brother just cut his hair not too long ago, i think it's hideous.


LOOK. now he looks like a boy, feel sorrow man.
ok, know what? he doesn't look so good with whatever hairstyle either, haha, but he looked nice when he looked like a girl. =( ahaha
GONE SHOPPING, 2/11/2006 11:26:00 pm
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
today was just...???
hahaha, yeah, i don't know whether today was good or bad, it was... ...funny? haha, i just know i woke up to a real bad hair day.
okay okay, besides that, i'm in deep shit, haha. but in a funny kind of way. i forgot to bring my nametag to school today, so i borrowed chrystal's extra one. i somehow managed to pull through the day with hardly anyone noticing that my nametag said 'Chrystal Koh Jin Wen' until the VERY LAST HOUR of school, at a maths class. mrs heng was waiting for us to finish an exercise so she was walking around the class. i thought she was looking at how we were doing it, until she came to me and stared hard at my nametag. at first i didn't know what she was doing, then she said aloud, "oh! ok, chrystal.." as if trying to memorise it. then i realised that she was going round trying to rmb our names because our ever-so-dependant class seating plan had disappeared. oh mannn, then i thought, ok, maybe she would forget that my nametag said chrystal and the next time she came to class, i could just pretend that i was maxine all along, haha. good idea eh? well, UNTIL SHE CALLED OUT "Chrystal, could you solve number blah?" shittttttttttt. hahaha, then everyone turned around and started giggling, so i just played along as if i really was chrystal and solved the problem. and everyone kept laughing! hahaha, and ivana said really loudly, "CHRYSTAL!? MAXINE LA" but then mrs heng didn't hear. oh mannnnn. and she kept asking "why are you all so giggly all of a sudden??" haha, i'm so screwed. so now, everyone from my class is starting to call me chrystal, yayyyy. haha, chrystal, the real one, you're famous now. arn't you glad? hahahha.
GONE SHOPPING, 2/07/2006 04:00:00 pm