Thursday, April 27, 2006
can't touch this
watch out. bad mood.
kay, so yesterday, mother, sister and kid went for lunch. four seasons hotel, it was quite cool. it wasn't really lunch, we knew that actually, we went there for high tea. but it was only for saturdays. so it was afternoon tea, haha, interesting. so we ordered and there was this three-tier thingy with free flow of carbs. yay, but it was really nice, not bad at all. 25 bucks per person but i saw on the menu thingy that it was cheaper for children (12 years and under). it didn't really register cus i didn't think they'd asked me for my age, i saw and was all, ok, but never actually thought of it. so right, this waitress, who was real sweet, came up to me, "sweetheart, may i know how old you are?" i was thinking like, bullet train speed okay, in that few seconds, i thought up of why she asked me that and remembered what i saw, i hesistated for a while cus i didn't know whether to say my real age, but i just blurted out 12. HAHA, she believed me, n she was all, "it's okay, we just wanted to know for pricing and all." i think she said that cus i hesistated just now. yay, i got to live 2 years behind for a while, and it was really fun.
song! to the tune of Slim Shady by Eminem.
by Christina Aguilera, My Reply
May I have your attention please (2x)
Will the Real Slim Shady please shut up
I repeat, will the Real Slim Shady please shut up
We're going to have a problem here
Y'all act like you've never heard a white person before
His rhymes are a bore
Punk kid trying to be hardcore
But Marshall Mathers is back worse than before
Making us snore
Whining in the microphone
It's the return of the... oh, wait, no wait... you're a fool
You didn't pay money for this cd, did you?
And Dr. Dre did..
EVERYTHING you idiot!!!
Without Dre's help you're as good as dead
The world's had enough of Eminem
Chici, Chici. Even his girlfriend's cheating on him
Look at him, walking around, living off Dre,
acting so cool, but he's really kind of weak though
Little Twit blasted me on his new cd, why?
Beause I turned him down for a date. (Hee hee)
As for the question of who came first?
Was it Carson Daly or was it Fred Durst?
I'm sorry Slim, but this is going to hurt.
They both came closer than you ever will, jerk!
Your song is on my nerves (2x)
You're kind of lucky, because you got more fame than you deserve.
That is the message that I deliver to little kids.
You can become famous, and never know what talent is.
Of course they're going to like you, of course they do.
You're like a cartoon version of Ricky Schroder on "Silver Spoons."
You ain't nothin' but a product,
Package to be bought up
You know, a year from now, you won't be thought of.
So, you write about dead animals and cannibals.
Some day you'll stop dating dogs and date higher mammals.
There's a million women, just like me,
who think like me, that all can see,
that Slim Shady is just a boy dealing with puberty.
So if you agree, scream louder than me.
You're Slim Shady, yes you're the real Shady.
You sound like Peter Brady.
You get quite irritating.
So won't the real Slim Shady please shut up, please shut up, please shut up
GONE SHOPPING, 4/27/2006 05:11:00 pm
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
funny farm!
i have here, right in my house, the guiness world record holder for THE BEST BROWNIE EVER MADE. after school, i came home, and smelt the nice wondrous smell of brownies just out of the oven, i rushed to the kitchen where i saw soft, fluffy, scrumptious brownies. i tried to keep the excitement in and waited impatiently, pretending to play the computer. when my sister came out, she said "i made brownies."
i, pretending to act dumb, "oh really? wow, could i have some later?"
my sister laughed and said "well, you could have all!"
i was so happy i jumped out of my seat and took out a fork and plate, i drew the fork, piercing through the soft surface.
TOCK. TOCKTOCK. omg, it was HARD! i was damn dissappointed okay! i tried again and again, trying to think it was some kind of hallucination. NOO! okay, fine, whatever i said was just an exaggeration, but i swear to you, i have cold hard EVIDENCE. it could not be cut unless i use a really sharp knife.

haha, this is so worth getting killed by my sister. X) see, it's like, stuck to the knife!
haha, and since i'm in a very LOVING mood. here's a beautiful picture.

oh the passion.
courtesy of whoever took the picture, who is most likely to be Francesca.
GONE SHOPPING, 4/25/2006 08:20:00 pm
Sunday, April 23, 2006
my ass is stuck to the chair
xiao qi loves me.
she made me do this suckass quiz.
ho yeah, i feel damned loved.
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post this quiz again.
1. -must be famous, or a ruler of some kind, like prince william.
-must be rich. like prince william.
-must be real hot, as in hawt. not like prince willian. like keanu reeves.
-must have a really cool job, an actor or sth. like adrian brody. and keanu reeves. hehe
-must be fwuany. like er... qian. (HAHA) or becks n chrys. (man, you guys so love me)
-doesn't smoke, big turn off. erm... armpit hair is also another big turnoff but i shall not elaborate.
well, yeah, that's about it. but all the better if...
-me knowing him would make me POP U LAR.
-he's smart
-and one more, cus i can't count. he's really cool, that he doesn't need to act cool cus he is cool. cool eh? huahuahua.
2. girl.
oops! i was talking to a friend. "girl, you ar!"
yeah, hahahaha, guy.
3. people who has it to do it too so that i can stead them, I MEAN SHAVE THEM. oops, er er er, oh nevermind. haha.
-i don't know, billy bob.
-audrey liaw
yeah, that's about it, yay. oh, it's actually foon kiong shoes, not foon siong, n i got them, yay. n btw, they ARE north star shoes, it's just like er.. my nickname for them, haha.
8 more people love me, not including billy bob.
GONE SHOPPING, 4/23/2006 05:45:00 pm
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
foon siong
yayy, i do not do not DO NOT care what my father says anymore, cus my mummy say can. hahaha, i'm gonna get foon siong shoesies! okay, they're actually those north star shoes which almost every other girl of the normal population in school wears which do not have extra long laces which come out all the time and isn't two inches high. i just like calling them foon siong cus most of those shoes were foon siong branded in my mother's time, and they cost like, a dollar for a pair considering that a bowl of noodles then cost like what, 5 cents. haha, not really, my mum keeps telling me "NO LA, they don't cost 5 cents, it wasn't that long ago. they just cost 20 cents." uh, same difference, haha.
and yeah, the reason why i am made to wear non-foonsiong shoes are cus my father keeps complaining that foon siong shoes don't have enough friction, they're so stiff, no arch support and what not. but there are arch supports, he just can't see them, and they arn't stiff (if i use them after a long while, haha) and why on earth would i need such frictionated shoes for? do i look like an athelete to you? oh wait, i do. but yeah, it's not as if i actually walk around a lot, i bet my ass has even moulded into the shape of my chair due to me being lazy and sitting so much. and my mom said that even if he see those shoes outside, he'd probably even forgotten that he said anything about them, so yay.
and speaking of foon siong shoes, which reminds me, i suddenly don't mind having a crumpler. the relevence between foon siong shoes and crumplers? i don't know, i just like doing that, haha. so yeah, i guess it's because of seeing becks, chrys and qian so much that i have gotten used to the fugliness of the crumplers. no, not cus they're fugly, it's cus they all have crumplers, but i still want a converse bag even more. haha, oh well, see first. converse hasn't been making anything nice lately.
oh, and i went to becky's church on sunday, i think it's called kay poh road baptist church, haha. well, i went mainly to see that thingy becky was acting in, i just didn't think it would be so short and that there were going to be other activities too. it was really fun, but every year, i somehow manage to get myself stuck in a Protestant church or event on Easter. they're usually like any other Easter function, Protestant or not, but because of me being Catholic, i always end up debating or reasoning my way through questions people bombard me with on why Catholics do this and why Catholics do that. come on, if you really wanna know, go ask a priest, because i am so not ready to hold responsibility for giving wrong information. and why ask me, this katek little girl who probably knows nothing compared to a priest or nun who can actually give in-depth explainations. i know that even if i do absorb everything i hear in church or Legion, i would still be merely scratching the surface of the answers to the questions.
and btw, i was kinda looking forward to leaving on time to go with chrys to cut her hair. okay, well that was my fault for not saying so earlier, but i was kinda heated up cus that dude didn't even bother trying to think from my point of view. as mr chan said, a good letter of complaint would be self critical, then reason out. well, letter of complaint, a debate, same difference. and another reason why i think that dude should never become a debator, ever was that he would say blah blah blah, then look at me as if waiting for a explaination, but instead got a blank face in return. u know why? cus don't know what his freaking point is! he would talk and talk and talk and all i'm thinking is, 'what's your point?' and i would say it to him, but he could have another verbal diarrhea and i would still not know what he was trying to imply. so in the end, i just left, faking a call from my mom saying that i had to go home. well, i did have to go home so that i could make it in time for the Easter mass, which was great by the way.
oh, Father Luke told us this story during the homily.
a young camel son once asked his father, "dad, why do we have humps on our backs for?" and his dad replied "oh, they are made of fat which help us through the dry desert for long periods."
then the camel son asked "dad, why do we have such long eyelashes?" and his dad replied "oh, so that sand would not get into our eyes during the strong sand storms."
then the camel son asked "dad, why do we have such wide and padded feet?" and his dad replied "oh, so that we could walk easily on the soft and pourous sand of the desert."
the camel son thought for a moment, and then asked "then what on earth are we doing in the Mandai Zoo?"
haha, i thought it was pretty funny. alrighty, i smell french fries, whee!
GONE SHOPPING, 4/18/2006 05:37:00 pm
Friday, April 14, 2006
it is the future, that is aku!
i think samurai jack is a really cool cartoon, it has the wonderful illustrations of powerpuff girls and dexter's lab with sqaure headed creatures and bug-eyed creeps, and interesting story lines to push you off the edge of your seat. yay, so fun. btw..
rmb not to eat meat today. but, as melissa said, 'it's okay to eat fish, they don't have feelings', haha. just rmb not to eat nemo.
oh, my dad brought me to the doctor's just now cus i kept complaining of a sore throat, haha and i had a very interesting conversation witht he doctor.
D: hi, so your name is maxine?
M: er, yeah,
D: my neighbour's dog is named maxine
M: (kinda insulted)
D: yeah, it's a girl. (pause) but she's a very smart and cute dog. she's a labrador retriever.
M: (pretending to like dogs) err... yeah! labs are really smart dogs
D: yeah, she's very cute and smart...
M: ...
D: (quickly changing the subject) all my neightbour's dogs have human names. i don't think animals should have human names, just like how humans shouldn't have animal names. do you think so too?
M: it's quite ok la, i mean, some people just might not like the cutesy names like fluffy or something.
D: yeah, but i think humans with animal names are just so weird, like, what's the weirdest name you ever came across?
M: erm,
olivia, sound like it's named after an olive well, i heard of a girl named baby...
D: oh, well, really? so u know someone named baby?
M: yeah, haha
D: well, in my time, there was hardly anyone with these kind of names
M: yeah, but the names before always get so common, like susan
D: yeah, but you notice, some old names are coming back. like a cycle thing, what used to be common is nt common, then it becomes common again.
M: (really meh? got peepole still named peter and mary one meh?) haha, yeah, soo funny...
ok, i think that doctor really a bit bored. a bit la, a bit only. well, that was my day, exciting isn't it?
GONE SHOPPING, 4/14/2006 03:16:00 pm
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
i loveloveloveloveLOVE the number thirteen. qian told me something today and melissa filled in the details. yayyayYAY! ok, to know what i'm talking about, just keep your eyes open around the school, *ahem*CANTEEN*ahem* yay, keyword: lists. ok, like so obvious already la.
kay, so anyway, i hate to say it, but i'm SUCH a happy yaya. school was so slack today, mr chan had to entertain that minister person so we had four period of bio. but shouldn't that be bad? ahah, that's where you're wrong, cus first period was spent collecting money, so i was just finishing up geog hw and eating my recess oops, haha. then second period, mdm sim had to go to another class, so we were left by ourselves, yay! so we could've just went for a really early recess but we're honest peepole, we left only five minutes before the bell rang. =) so third and fourth period was bio lessons, but it was actually quite fun, haha. yeah, lessons are actually quite fun if you've slept early the night before, haha.
then went to hard rock cafe for lunch with mummy! had a BIGGG feast, then i thought she would bring us shopping cus we were in orchard but she wanted to go home and sleep, then i was kinda dissappointed so she gave me money to blow off! yay, got a shirt and a skirt and loads of stuff from watsons.
so right now, i'm feeling SOO much like a princess cus i decided to pamper myself with a rose sented porepack, my NEW nivea lipbalm, my NEW leave on hair conditioner and a tub of ben and jerry's fossil fuel ice cream. (since my ballet exam was yesterday, i can eat all i want now! yay) ok fine, exams are in two weeks time, but shut up and let me tend to my beauty (or lack thereof, haha).
i shall be like theresse, my fashion partner in crime and post a thingy on how to get great hair, like mine! yay, haha, if your hair get worse...erm, she did it! hohoho.
hokay, i think the best hair brand would be like, pantene. herbal essence is good too but you'll have to use conditioner like, all the time. i think dove sucks but it really depends on what works for you la. so anyway, since i use pantene, this would help mostly for pentene users, yay. so yeah well, it doesn't really matter if you comb your hair before you wash it, but it might help. so when you're washing, it really helps if you know your hair, like my hair, it kinda has selective dryness, or greasyness, so if i've noticed that my hair hair has been super greasy, i would actually shampoo my hair twice, but first with head and shoulders and then pantene, head and shoulders works on greasy or dandruffy hair.
shampooing is like, non-fuss, just slop it on, scrub and rinse. and for dry hair days, don't double shampoo, but you should use conditioner.
the thing with pantene is that you don't have to use conditioner everyday, well, if you've just started using pantene then you should use conditioner everyday, but after a while, you can put it less often and your hair will stay just as nice. currently i'm like, just conditioning it once a month or so, haha,layzeee. and it's also kinda understood that you should use the same conditioner brand as your shampoo brand, and when you use conditioner, you should always leave it on for 5-10 minutes, i know, siao ah. but it'll pay off, and while waiting, you can always go shave your armpits or soap your body, haha. so anyway, you should try to put the conditioner at the roots of your hair, then massage it to the ends.
wash off, and you know how conditioners don't wash off so easily, they kinda need some rubbing off, but you don't really have to do that. according to my friend's mother who used to be some hair dresser, she said that the hair still feeling soapy is good cus it's the conditioner acting on your hair. i'm not too sure about that but just don't wash the conditioner off until your hair becomes all rubbery again, but don't wash it so briefly until there are still bubbles in your hair. it depends on what you feel la, if you don't like it, then go ahead and wash it squeaky clean, no one's stopping you. oh and if you like bathing in really hot water, then just do a quick wash of cold water over your hair before you step out, it does... something. i read it in a magazine before, but i don't really do it most of the time, you don't have to do it either.
ok, yay, i've finished being a prada wearing evil and get my butt off to do some studying. wow, it's a wednesday and no homework.. -sings- there can be miracles! if you believeeee...
GONE SHOPPING, 4/12/2006 08:21:00 pm
Friday, April 07, 2006
you should be scared.
i don't know what's up with the title, i just think that people should be scared whenever they come here, ho hum.
honestly, i've never done anything this week. erm... OH! yeah, today was the 2.4 runs. i'm kinda angry, i didn't meet my expectations. the first time mrs chua asked us to run 2.4 at the field, i did better than i expected, ok, i'm so gonna brag, but i need to tell you why i'm angry! hahahha, no, i don't really have to say, but hey, i'm bored. erm, i got 12.20, and i was real happy okay. then second time, i deproved! i got 12.40. and TODAY, i got 13.10!!! >=( i dunno how come it's so baddd! ok, i do know, cus 1) i walked more and 2) i started running wayyy later. usually i walk 1/4 rounds before starting to run, then i start darting like, when there's 3/4 rounds more to go, but how the hell am i supposed to know when to start running!? so yeah, i started reeeaaal late, grr. but i should be happy! cus at least i got an A, but yeah, u must be thinking, aiya, got A good enough. but yeah, the timing counts, for me. aiya, happy la happy la. ok, sooo contradicting.
oh! i actually wrote a letter to myself yesterday during the 3 periods of bio, i was really proud of it, haha, but it flew away and someone threw it into the dustbin. aiya, but it was in the clean clean dustbin, haha. 3/6ers are such messy people that we need THREE rubbish bins, and even still, there's a whole lot of rubbish everywhere. yeah, so i might be able to find it in the dustbin on monday, nobody actually does their cleaning duty around here, stuff in the dustbins are three weeks old. oh goody. =) hahahahaha.
there's lenten vigil later! yay, funfunfun. really, that wasn't sarcastic, besides the fact that we had to run 2.4 today, i don't know why so many people don't wanna go. they say, oh, u just go there and sleep. so not true! it was soo fun last year. besides having 2.4 today, there is NO reason why they shouldn't go. really guilty yet? good. ahah.
haha, oh man, today was so crappy! haha, cus amanda khoo, weelyn, audrey and i went eat dinner. then went to shen siong (sing song, haha) supermarket, apparently everythere was dirt cheap, so ok lor. so we got a lot of stuff, and audrey and i walked back to school to take 14, then at audrey's house, she was passing me my stuff and i was passing her her stuff, then she was like, "oh my, like trading illegal goods" or sth like tt la, then i started laughing uncontrolably and shouted "GIMME THE DRUGS!" haha, and there were people walking pass! they were like staring la. hahahaha, then i was kinda hoping her neighbours who she know would pass by or sth, hahahaha. so fun, i was so highh. yeah, lenten vigil now! X)
GONE SHOPPING, 4/07/2006 09:22:00 pm