Thursday, May 18, 2006
use oxy pimple cream!
haha, my, i miss last year's drama exam, oxy pimple creammmm!!!
yayyayyayyayyay! i'm happeeee.
today was fun, i think the red spots weren't very obvious anymore, i thought i had two days to get rid of them, but they just told us that we had legion phototaking today. i'd really prefer have band's photo taking today then legion tommorow but aiya, i think it wen't quite okay. i kinda wanted a normal one though, but we had to stand by the pond. i know! so... ?!?!?!. haha, and the lady was trying to be creative by taking the picture from top view and lalala, then we were all squinting and all. so she took two from above and and one ground level. i hope she takes the one which i look good in, she can just heck care about the rest, haha. oops, i just remembered, i'm in legion, =X. hahaha.
kay, then when we finished, i stay back for like, fifteen minutes and i was having fun crapping around with nicole tan about mrs boo being a bitch and mr AND mrs boo being a bitch together is like, double bitch. and then she said, "well, they can be nice at times", then i asked, "like by being a bitch to get CO the priority of having the music room all the time?" then she was like "...pretty much yeah." haha, then becky was playing around this skateboard and i came and kajiao her. then i was happily playing around with it and it was soooo funnnn!!! then i was like real late to meet my mum and sister for lunch.
we went to Bakerzin at milennia walk, i think i liked it better when it was called Baker's Inn. althought the pronounsation is the same, the new one gives off a funky look, and with it's new really colourful and plasticcy chairs, it looks so different from the warm, homely sound of Baker's Inn. food was okay. personally, i don't really like the main course dishes, but the deserts were really yummy.
then we went to suntec, mainly shopped at guess, i like guess shirts, but i never got to buy one, haha. they cost more than shirts should really cost, but they're nice. so since mother was there, i just grabbed everything. i saw this pair of shorts which i so totally fell in love with, but then it was too expensive, 109, it cost more than my Baby G! so i put it back, it looked quite normal, i guess it's the quality, but you know how clothes these days are like, over acessorised. but it's was quite simple, to some extent.
yeap, so we just about reserved a whole lot of clothes, and go buy them during the sale. yay, something useful i learnt from huangchi, but you really have to know when the sale's coming, and they don't normally tell you. duh, or else every other person would be reserving stuff and they won't be earning any money, but we only can get it in no more than three days, last day saturday, so i don't think i'd be playing mahjong with chi, or maybe i would be able to make it or something, i don't know, see how.
my leotard's most probably would be done this weekend too! yay.
GONE SHOPPING, 5/18/2006 12:05:00 am
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
hey, i was feeling bored, i woke up late so i didn't go for the 1/5 oh four reunion, i think they were most probably halfway through a movie already or something. so i went back to sleep, haha. then i woke up at two , i was thinking of going shopping, like, by myself? cus i usually do that when i have to get a specific something and then come home, then just window shop on the way there and the way back or something, and yeah, i did want to get a specific something. so right, i packed my bag, dressed up, already to go, then on the way out, i saw french fries in the kitchen, so i just stood there and started munching on them and suddenly, i didn't feel like going out anymore.
so just lazing around, too lazy to even change back to home clothes. yeah, so came online, nothing much to do, so i am blogging. i really have nothing to say. oh, on friday, i went out with theresse. but you should go read her blog, my post on it won't be any better anyway. hell, she wrote TWO posts on it. haha, ok, it was unintentionally.
then sunday, i went out with family to raffles city. well, it was meant to be just mummy, cus my Baby G watch strap was starting to break, so we were going to get anoter watch for me, i wanted Guess, haha. but dunno why the whole family came along, so ok lor, but we went to have lunch together first anyway. so i got a nice new guess watch! i didn't want a really elaborated one, like the one i always borrow from my mother. pictures!

the last picture looks weird, but it doesn't matter, it's not as if i'm going to become a professional photographer or anything, haha. and there's like, more of the box than the watch itself, but nevermine, you can see it in school, haha.
oh! i got my eyebrows waxed when i went out with theresse on friday, at citilink, Fave Nails for fifteen bucks. it's kinda expesive actually, cus my friends went to jean yip for only thirteen dollars and theresse is going erm... somewhere for 5 dollars, but aiya, the lady did a good job anyway. and no, i wasn't wincing, but actually, i wouldn't know cus my eyes were closed so i couldn't see myself in the mirror, haha. but i didn't feel like i was wincing, it didn't hurt much. but it hurt much less than plucking cus she was plucking the one or two strands that didn't get waxed, and yeah, it's hurt much more. i think i could have had it done when we were done shopping cus my eyebrows were kinda red after that, haha.
grr, i'm starting to break out! like, in pimples, and it's the phototaking period of the year. rah, i had to tilt my head to the left slightly cus i had a red spot on my left cheek, i think it's gonna develop into a pimple. and now, i've got another red spot on my RIGHT cheek, where am i going to tilt my head to now?!
i feel like playing mahjong. hint to hunagchi and audrey!
GONE SHOPPING, 5/16/2006 04:35:00 pm
Saturday, May 13, 2006
haha, i was bored, so i was just surfing the net and found this!
click here!no, to your dissappointment, it's not porn. it's some thingy where you put in your height and see which celebs are shorter / the same height / taller than you. and it's been blowing my ego bubble a hell lot. haha, ok, so i'm like 152cm (i probably shoulldn't tell you, but yeah, i rounded it up, HAHA), so
here's some thingy which you can use to convert centimeters to feet, which makes me 5 feet. (yet again, round up, haha)
so just lalala boom, and i found out that...
i'm the same height as-
kylie minogue (arh, kylie is shoorrrt, it's a world-known fact)
mae west
mary-kate olsen
natalie wood
and SHIKIRA! so cool, and she's like, HOT. and yet short, i never knew she was short.
now, the results the world's been waiting for.
taller than-
lil' kim! (ok fine, not surprising since she IS called lil')
jada pinkett-smith (niobe in the
veronica lake (OMG, that's so cool you know. well, i don't know who she is but i just like her name. X) haha)
then there's a few more peepole who i don't know either, oh, and there's dakota fanning, but she's doesn't count, she's like, 10?
ok fine, the last part was kinda dissappointing, but it's really cool to know that i'm the same height as shikira, i still can't get that out of my head. haha, what if they had a mistake and she's really 6 feet tall? haha. oh well, i'm just going to relish the fact that I'M THE SAME HEIGHT AS SHIKIRAAAAA!
GONE SHOPPING, 5/13/2006 08:38:00 pm
Friday, May 12, 2006
2 little piggies went to pig out
hi! yay, your two favoutire losers went to hang out yesterday, chrys and me. becks went to kimberly's party, and qian went out with laurel, their papers finished like, 2 hrs earlier than ours anyway. so since chrys wasn't doing anything, and since it's like a sin not to do anything or go anywhere on the day of the last exam, (unless you wanna go home and laze around savouring the goodness of freedom, but that's out of the question), so we decided to... go somewhere! duh. then after comtemplating for what seemed like eternity, we decided to go to chrystal's house. yay! but we stopped by my house first to grab a few things. like chips, sweets, chocolates, movies, handphones, ipods, gadgets, playstation games, ecetera ecetera. ok, maybe just a few more than just a few things, haha.
then we headed to chrys's house. we were taking the short cut, through between some houses beside a drain. then halfway through, i said "hey, actually if i ever became a beggar, i wouldn't mind coming here to live". then just when i finished saying that, i saw something which made me really sick in my stomach. i saw A RAT, a dead one, just... without it's body. and i could see bones jutting out of where it's neck should be and it's flesh like, all gooey and all. that must have been one hellufa happy cat who did that. and there were flies everywhere, yuckyuckyuckyuckYUCK! hell, forget i said anything about living there. haha, then on the way out, we saw this man coming out of a house and walking towards his motocycle. so we quickly ducked back in, cus u know, it'll be really funny if a person were to see a couple of school girls climbing out from a longkang like thing, and call the police, or even worse, the school. and trust me, i don't mean funny haha.
so we finished up watching Anastasia, from the part where we left off the other time and we watched this one part of animatrix, then we watched Joe's Apartment, freaky show with dancing cockroaches. then i felt like playing a game or sth, so she brought out her playstation and played around. then we watched Big Mama's House, quite funny, but i wouldn't pay to watch something like that in the cinema. then chrys found more of her playstation games, so we played a few rounds of Need for Speed and then we wanted to try this shooting game thingy, but her gun didn't work.
then went home, went out for dinner at True Blue, a peranakan restaurant with grandmother and mother, gained 10 kg and went home, slept all the way from 9pm to 12.30 this afternoon. i feel so achieved.
GONE SHOPPING, 5/12/2006 02:16:00 pm
Sunday, May 07, 2006
youth mass
oh, i also forgot to say why i was feeling so tai tai-ish on friday, it was cus i was wearing a
fila sleeveless polo top and going around, covering the logo and saying, "nonono, i cannot go into ze rain, i'm wearing moi new hundred zollar Ralph Lauren top! nonono, this cannot do!" well, i didn't really say that, but i was so tempted to, haha. but this isn't why i'm posting when it's already eleven and i haven't even started studying for my history exam tomorrow, with is equivalent to committing suicide.
i'm gonna post about youth mass yesterday! yay, at first i had like SO MANY peepole to go with la, but then i had none. at first, i had at least 20 peepole to go with cus our cat class teacher told us that attendence would be taken, then we didn't have to go for cat class the next day, so of course everyone will come right. so then, in the end the cat class teacher told us it was not compulsory anymore cus they won't be taking attendence, why the change of plans? i don't know, but that left me with theresse to go with only. cus the night before yesterday, which was the youth mass night, theresse was talking about it n so i said she could go with me. so the mass was at 7.30, i was leaving around 6.30, and you know what that girl did?! she pang seh-ed me!
at the last minute somemore! then i tried asking heydi, cus i was the one who told her that it was not compulsory anymore, and made her not want to go. but she said she really wanted to stay home to study. then i asked clarissa, she said she was very willing, haha! so in my dreams. and everyone i begged told me to go with my sister, but i didn't cus i would feel so extra with her friends, and i would feel so damned guilty cus before, i told her that i didn't want to go with her cus she was going early and yeah, i would still end with being extra even if i were to meet a friend on time. but i really didn't want to go alone, and i definately didn't want to just skip the whole thing because the other time i did that, i felt soo shit, and not to mention guilty. theresse, if you're reading this, i next time then dun wan go out with you anymore, you
always pang seh me lor. and
at the last minute. ohohoh! u wanna go out with me on the - haha, no la, just kidding, but i'm still angry at you lor! cheat my feelings, hahaha!
but yeah, on a serious note, after
asking begging everyone to go with me, but still failed, i guiltily asked my sister whether i could go with her, and she was all "yeah, sure!". oh man, this reminds me of the prodigal son parable, the one where the son took all his father's money and left home, but when he realised that he had no more money and couldn't stand working for this farmer and living with the pigs anymore, he came back to his father and his father welcomed him with open arms. ... well, except not so intense, haha. and i think i had a lot of fun. and there was this point of time where one bunch of friends from my cat class came cus they didn't get the message that it was not compulsory, and they sat with me cus i was sitting alone, waiting for my sister to finish whatever she was doing to prepare for the mass. so we were just there, sitting and not really talking, and my sister even asked me whether i wanted to sit with them or i could sit next to where she was going to sit. so i sat next to her, yay.
i love my sister, even though she may have serious mood swings, and when i say serious, i mean SERIOUS, but she can be really nice when she wants to, and that's like, majority of time. and without her, i probably wouldn't be this creature i am now (don't ask me whether that's a good thing or not) but i'm really happy of who i am and who i'm living with too. well, maybe not my brother, but who cares, i was directing it at Francesca. and oh man, i swear i'll be regretting i wrote any of this by her next mood swing, or the next time i steal her stuff and she kills me for it, but -add some cliche ending here-. yeah, haha, i'm so trying to make this sound not cliche, but i think i failed miserably. oh well! i don't do this often anyway. so back to what i was saying... i love me!
GONE SHOPPING, 5/07/2006 11:20:00 pm
Saturday, May 06, 2006
pigging out!
after a grueling day of emaths P1 and geog mid-yrs, i met the asswipers at chrys's house. well, at first it was just chrys and qian. haha, cus after i met both of them at the bus stop, we were walking to chrys's house and because it was drizzling, we were all carrying umbrellas. fine, i was feeling taitai-ish today okay, i didn't want to get wet. then halfway, there was this person who started walking behind us, i thought it was a maid.
then TADAH!

sexaay beckaay. haha, she was carrying an umbrella too, so i didn't really notice her, so silly! hahahha, i think i was really slow la! hahaha, then we watched pirates of the carribean until my DVD konked out on me, i don't know what happened, it's worked fine at home. and nooo, it was not pirated okay! so after that, we went to the park to feed the mosquitos.
it was so fun, feeding the mozzies. we put handfuls of blood on our hands and let them flock to us like pigeons. haha, no, of course we didn't, but we might as well did, cus afterwards, i weighed myself n i lost 10 kg. i wonder why.
we were super hyper! we had sooo much fun, we played catching! haha, then after a few rounds, we were panting like shit. so we decided to take a step back n take photos! haha.

artsy fartsy

swing swing from the tangles of my heart.

FREAK! ahah.

whee, literally PIGGING out.

i like this pic, haha, cus i look nice in it.


just in case you're thinking of investing in pole dancing.. X)

these kind of signs are no fun anymore. haha.

WHEE! i just miss seeing my big ass face here. i made it larger too! i love me! hohoho
GONE SHOPPING, 5/06/2006 01:18:00 am