Thursday, August 31, 2006
irritating much?
ok, here's the deal. i wanted a new phone and i've been oogling and googling at the N93 which has yet to come out. i've been thinking of it for so long that m really sure i wanted it. ...until i told my dad i wanted it. well, i told my mother first, and she was all, sure! yeah, that looks great. and this is my convo with my dad. joy.
m: dad, can i have a new phone? -thinking that he would get me one cus HE has a N70 and is forever losing his phones and getting the latest ones the next day-
d: why? what's wrong with your current one?
m: -thinking, it's old and outdated? DUH.- erm... i'm thinking of getting a camera phone, cus i want a camera, so i think it's better to have two in one. plus, mine's broken. -silence- i think i sat on it. hehehe. hehe. he. hm.
d: -laughed, but did not really laugh?-
m: oh, and the space button is wonky, sometimes it's not very sensitive, i press then nothing happen. so right, m thinking of getting the N93. -shows dad the phone on the net-
d: wow... are u sure u need such a super duper phone?
m: -thinking what's up with the 'super duper'?- but the camera is very good, 3 megapixels, then dun need to get a camera already.
d: -reads from screen- video recording? the N93's more for videos.
m: -thinking that i've always loved videos-
d: then like that then i'd rather get u a normal phone and a camera u know.
m: really? u mean a camera is cheaper? (hey, i thought the phone was cheap)
d: of course!
m: -dunno whether to be happy or not, cus initially i wanted a camera n keep my old phone cus i still liked it, but i thought it was cheaper if it's two in one, and lately my phone's been getting on my nerves, i don't love it as much anymore-
d: ok la, since yours is an upgrade then i can try to go to the shop and take a look.
m: oh, ok. -leaves room-
m: dad, see right, this phone (LG chocolate) is just a normal phone then maybe u can just get me a separate camera.
d: LG?? are you sure it's good?
m: no.
d: -pulls out advert on cheap, discounted phones- here, u see the (ugly) N73 is quite cheap now. or the (bulky) N70 also.
cus u know right, even though the phone's camera may be very good, it can never be as good as a normal camera. -contradicting himself cus he's NOW dissapproving of me having the LG and a separate camera. and yet, indirectly telling me that it's better to have a separate camera-
m: oh, but those nokia ones are kinda thick. -goes to check them out anyway- -sees N72- hey dad, i also don't mind this one.
d: but that one is also as thick as the other two, they're all very thick.
-thinks a while- OH, all these have 3G, for you i think 3G is quite useless, you won't really use it. -looks on paper- oh, this sony ericsson W810i, you know, my friend has it, he said it's very good you know, there's an external memory card slot, and the memory card is 2GB you know!
m: -WOWWWW, ch'yeah right- okok, i'll go and look it up.
m: -after looking it up- dad, ALL the phones i looked up has 3G including the sony ericsson one.
d: er. er. er... but you don't like the N series right? too thick.
m: but the N93 quite alright wad.
d: oh, but don't have external memory card slot right? wah, u know without it ar, just take a few pictures and no more space already u know.
m: got external memory card slot.
d: oh, -quickly changing subject- you know ar, the sony ericsson one has walkman, can store your songs from itunes you know.
m: yeah, but i have an ipod already, it's kinda useless if i get it right.
-then i saw the K800i at their site, so i zi dong and went to click it-
d: oh, i think this one also quite good, it focuses more on the camera, also it's 3.2 megapixel. anyway the Nseries not good one la, they keep saying it so good but it's really not. aiya, you think about it. -quickly leaves-
i'm confused. i SO don't get him at all. he didn't want me to get the N93 cus it was probably too expensive, so went for cheaper stuff, but he contradicts himself saying that they're not so good. so he goes to another not so good one thats just from a different brand, and goes to a better one. urgh, he goes round and round and round the bush and in the end, no one gets anything. and i could tell he just didn't want a nokia, i don't get why. i've grown on nokia, i find messaging VERY HARD if it's some other phone. and plus, i bet the sony ericsson K800i is just gonna end up the same price as the N93, UHHH, XS. and i don't like his friends, haha, he's even more influencial than me, which is shocking. and he's like trying to prove his stand, but is terribly failing. why can't he just give an outright YES or NO, and ask me to find something else. save everyone the time.
GONE SHOPPING, 8/31/2006 10:21:00 pm
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
audrey tagged me like, 937492048375849485758394837 years ago, it was dated june 24th, haha. don't think i forgot, my memory is good okay. i just choose not to remember certain things, haha.
7 random facts about me:
1 i'm happy with my height, or lack of it
2 i don't really like Zara
3 i have long fingernails
4 i've lost my ezlink card three times
5 i don't have a sweater
6 i can't stand my hair
7 i want a new watch
7 things that scare me/ would scare me/ would be scared of:
1 being very obsessed over something
2 not being able to find a good job when i grow up
3 which could be caused by not getting into a good school
4 lim muimui, mr de
5 embarassing myself
6 nightmares
7 being a big Big BIG bitch cus i know i've got potential
7 random (favourite) music:
1 the O.C. sountrack
2jamie cullum
3 shrek sountrack
ok, the rest are just random
4 sympathique by pink martini
5 our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn't get sued by Fall Out Boy
6 i miss you by Blink182
7 nature boy, the jamie cullum version
7 things i like the most:
1 my stuffed toys
2 just sitting around chatting / dreaming
3 playing playstation
4 cartoons
5 trying to get fit and doing so many sports but end up stuffing ourselves with the asswipers
6 mooovie marathons!
ok well, that's under cartoons, but this ain't no ordinary cartoon, it's a CARTOON.
7 things i say the most:
1 blahbahblah....LIKE...blahblahblah
2 oh man
3 so funny
4 so retarded
5 whatever
6 dude
7 odd noises like, grr, rah, bleahiaerreaneeuagebraeuerhaelalala
7 people to do this:
1 i don't know, if you wanna do then do lor.
2 it should be illegal to make people do such things.
3 mahn.
GONE SHOPPING, 8/23/2006 10:58:00 pm
Friday, August 11, 2006
my funny farm family
hahaha, my family is so loony toony. it was my brother's birthday a few, days THEN, months now, ago. haha, almost everyone forgot. =X whoops, and my parents were too lazy to go get a cake, and it so happened that we bought apple strudle. the outcome? funnyness.

haha, and retardedness.
and not too long ago, i came home late from school cus i had cca and it was kinda dark already. then when i went into my room, i had to shock of my life! ok fine, i'm just exagerating, haha. i saw my sister sleeping on my bed, which isn't the surprising bit cus once in a while, we just anyhow fall asleep on each others beds, but the thing was that she was hugging my huge cookie monster. and when i put my bag down, she woke up and was like, hi. and she mumbled something about my cookie monster which i don't really remember. (fine, maybe if i had blogged earlier, i would've remembered, haha) oh well, then i went out to have dinner and i came back to my room to realise that my sister was not in there anymore but she left cookie monster on my bed. so i went to take a bath and went i came out, COOKIE MONSTER WAS GONE! haha, and in its place was this purple post-it saying "RANSOM NOTE!!! i have stolen your huge cookie monster. to have it back, produce $50 in two hours. mwahaha. xx"
actually, i didn't really care, but whatever, haha. i let her babysit cookie monster for the night and i got it back in the morning, anyway there isn't anymore space for him on her bed, its always so cluttered with books and papers, haha. and she told me that cookie monster was really cute and soft (it took her about a year to realise that, wow) and she was asking me how much i got it for and stuff, but i got it as a birthday present last year, yup. and here's the good part, she told me she liked it so much, that she was just playing with it and she decided to take photos with it. HAHAHAH. okay, i shall not be so evil as to post the pictures up.
the best part of it all is that living with a funny family means.... a funny me! except in a more funnyweird way than funnyhaha kinda way. hokay, so i actually brought home my band file and sorted it out. in a very messy process. see for yourself, haha.

that was crazy
i had to lay out all the different scores everywhere to sort it out properly. and then i didn't have enough time to finish and had to go out, so i had to close the window to make sure the wind doesn't blow them away, haha.
and i'm seriously gonna try real hard to buck up in my weak subjects, and i remember what my mother used to do when i was small and i couldn't remember my spelling, she wrote the words BIG BIG on paper and pasted them on the walls in my room, and quite quickly, i managed to memorise them. so that's what i'm doing now to remember symbols of chemicals, chinese cheng yus, and that's just the start of it. haha, i even had this crazy idea to paste it on the wall in my toilet that faces the toilet bowl. HAHA. desperate times lead to desperate measures.
i even considered pasting them on my mirror, but then quickly dismissed the idea, haha. NO WAY am i giving up my vanity to put up notes, hahaha.
and anne, yeah, that WAS me, haha, juz playing larXx, for fun wanZz. hahahahahaha
GONE SHOPPING, 8/11/2006 11:19:00 pm