Saturday, September 23, 2006
YAYYYYYY!!!! OBS girls are backkkkk!!!! mistymistymisty. haha, we were all in the classroom but i wanted to go down to to meet them after they got down the bus, but then i heard screams coming from the other classrooms (or could it be the parade sqaure?) and i got all freaked out happy, so i just waited. screamscreamscream, hughughug and that was pretty much it. but i kept whining to melissa and theresse that i mist them, but i think i'd rather go there than them stay here, it sounded fun. then we went out and screamed and hugged more people. as adlin said, they all came back crisp and brown like a chicken.
after that, went to east point, did some last minute shopping to grab a few chocolates for graduating seniors. i rushed home and started to wrap them in ribbons and then my sister came home and she was all, I THOUGHT YOU'RE GOING WITH THE SCHOOL? then i was like, no, they were only taking council girls. and she was all, I DIDN'T BUY YOUR TICKET. well, that was nice, she only got one for my mother, and i think i did mention that i was not going with the school too. blah, doesn't anyone listen to me? ok whatever, i know people like audrey would be thinking... so insignificant. haha, ok so i was kinda panicky and my mother simply refused to pick up the phone, and i didn't know what to do since it was already quite late and all. i called and called until i gave up and went to stuff myself in snacks. then finally she called me and i told her that i didn't have a ticket and she gave me hers. i don't think she was really trilled about going anyway, she said she was gonna bring a book to read, my sister had the impression that she didn't really want to go.
so i packed my stuff, the dumb camera had no more battery and the charger was in heaven-know-where and the freaking video cam couldn't be switched on, i reckon that there was no more battery either. so i had to rely on my not-so-trusty camera phone which SUCKS mind you. but here are the awful pictures anyway.

it was held at the ITE collage east auditorium. i think it was better last year, it was easier to see. you know those pictures, i took them when it was zoomed in at MAXIMUM.


HAHA, i took her picture cus she looked funny.

the rest were just random, i gave up taking photos of those receiving awards cus it was too far away, i don't even know who that was up there.
then there was the miss sac peagant. from 4/1, yong cai won. i can't remember for 4/4, then for 4/5, gloria sharp. for 4/6, cynthia yap! for 4/7, kristabella sin or something. and for 4/8, felicia toh or something. for 5/2, maria i think. and for 5/1, something something stewart, haha. can't remember! plus, i don''t even knw them. then when the speeches and presentations and awards were all over, we went to the holding area to eat, talk and take pictures, so...

debbie was so beautiful, with a little bit of effort and a look like that, she can really look great.

debbie with theresse, this is a better picture of her dress, i have no idea why people take grad night picture landscape stlye, so annoying, can't see their dress. this is much better.

Khai Teng, i just realised i don't know how to spell her name. haha, whoops.

band seniors!!! bertha and yi fang. haha, look closer, that's CHARMAINE in the background in a tube dress.

another band senior! fiona leng

somemore band seniors! jovia. i didn't manage to see nat though, sad, and she didn't get her service award, i think it was cus of that mr de conflict. what an ass.

look who i found! becky!

haha, they were serving food, and they were calling me over and was all, "maxine!! haha, erm... we're kinda hungry, could you like, take some food for us? haha" so i went over and took a plate. then i went "HMM, GEE, I WONDER, WHAT SHOULD I EAT??" and they went "ohohoh! the cream puffs are quite nice." and then i went "HMM, HOW MANY SHOULD I HAVE?" and they went "take a lot!" and i went "alright! i shall take a lot!" haha, then i went behind the tables and gave it to them, hahaha.


and lastly, my sister francesca.
i didn't have much time to take a lot of photos cus i wanted to hitch a ride from my sister's friend's mother who was also fetching my sister. yup, went home and knocked out into deep slumber.
GONE SHOPPING, 9/23/2006 05:31:00 pm
Saturday, September 16, 2006
beautiful hair
alright, this is not going to be another 'how to get extremely nice hair (like mine)' post, it's going to be a 'how to get extremely BEAUTIFUL hair like mine' post. haha, NAHH, i don't think my hair's really that great anymore, it's all out of shape, i need a haircut. well, i kinda changed my perspective on hair. i think people with good hair are just born with it, it's not about what kind of shampoo or conditioner you use, or HOW you apply your shampoo or conditioner, or how many times you wash your hair or how long you leave the conditioner in. it's all rubbish, well, shampoo can only keep your hair clean or spoil it. i like hair that's thin and flowy and soft, and most of that can only be achieved by being born with it. well, with an exception of the flowy part, i guess conditioner does help with tangles.
but most of all, i think your hairstyle matters most, hardly anyone in their right mind would go round seeing if you have soft thin hair, but for hairstyles, EVERYONE can just see it at a glance. so yeah, i wanna do something with my hair, i'm thinking of getting bangs! no seriously, i know i've said it before but in the end i didn't dare and got this lump lame excuse of a fringe, but this time i reeeally want a proper fringe. but i don't know whether i should cus lately, ms lim's been making noise about our hair and fringe falling into our eyes, and obviously bangs would be falling into my eyes if i didn't want to look like a nerd and get that kind of chinadoll fringe over the eyebrows. *COUGH*ms tan*COUGH* i think i'll just wait till the holidays to get a major haircut, someone follow me? like for moral support or something, haha, someone with short hair! like... laurel? audrey? BECKY?
oh you know, i'm starting to like Puffy Ami and Yumi, as in like, i think their songs are quite cute. just listen to the teen titans theme song, and those songs they play during commercial breaks, they're kinda nice, and i went to youtube and listen to more of their stuff and it's so cute. i like their 'hihi', haha. it sounds ah lian, and seriously, they dress like it too, but their songs are cute. this japanese dude from club med, he works there, he had a Yumi keychain on his handphone and i was like, "hey! that's from the puffy amiyumi show!" and he said that they were something like japan's most loved singers or something. actually i just like all the songs they play on cartoon network, it's all so... CARTOON. haha, there's this song, just type in 'incredible shrinking day ed edd eddy', i'm too lazy to link it, but the song's nice and the video's funny too. and i was watching FOSTER'S on youtube too, and there was this episode called 'the big cheese' or something, YES! IT FEATURES CHEESE! anyway, the song in it was sooo adorable, i kept listening to it over and over again. and i love all the songs they play in powerpuff girls too, i used to love the 'love makes the world go round' song and i'd always watch powerpuff girls in the hope of seeing that episode. I LOVE CARTOONS! whee, you know, i waiting all the way until 1am to watch fosters but then it was an episode which i've watch 3 times before, blah. i'm going to youtube!
GONE SHOPPING, 9/16/2006 01:13:00 am