Wednesday, December 20, 2006
haha, clarissa and i were at TM the other day, and we saw this BIG, HUGE, CUDDLY SANTA!!! and the was this dude who was with the santa too, AWWW, santa's (not so) little helper, hahahaha. it was SOO ccute so we went to take a picture with it. haha, before i like it so much, i'm gonna put a BIGASS photo of it. YAYY!!!!!

and another time we were out at macs, we were just fooling around.

and another time i was walking around along Orchard road with debbie, look what we found on a wedding car.

yup, this is just one of those REALLY random posts. YAYY!!!!!
GONE SHOPPING, 12/20/2006 04:07:00 pm
Sunday, December 17, 2006
band chalet!!!
YAYYY, i stayed the whole three days two nights there. but it was just as short as nothing, bah. but it was REEEEEALLY fun. i loved it. totally loved it.
yay, so the first day, i came after dance rehearsals around 9? yeah, damn taxi driver still charged us surcharge. first night was potluck, so no barbequeing. then we started the movie marathong! ahhh, my life is all about movie marathongs. then we wanted to go bowling, we went to the bowling alley and some of us forgot to bring socks, so we went back to the chalet to take them, then we were too lazy to go back to the bowling place so we just decided to bowl the next day. so we stayed in and continued watching movies. and played mahjong too. hahaha, a funny thing happened. natkoh called eunice a CBK, then eunice was like "CHEE BYE KING?" then nat was like "YOU GOT CHEE BYE HOW TO BE KING?!" HAHAHAHAHAHA.
ok, so we just kept watching and watching and watching until the next day. then we took a short nap and then we continued watching movies. haha, THEN NATENG'S DAD CAME WITH THE XBOX! YAY! actually i can't rmb whether it was her dad or mum, but aiya, same difference, HAHA. then we were playing a bit. we played some car racing thing, trumpeters kept saying that they were no match to clarinetist in that racing game... i don't see the logic, cus it's only nateng, sherri n i who played against them, the rest leh? HAH, your statement not supported. FAIL. hahaha, then watched some more movies and played more mahjong until it was time to set the bbq up. yay! i helped. =) then suddenly, the bloody sky started to rain. but we continued anyway, haha.

some people call it teamwork, some call it determination. u know what i call it? i call it siiAoZz.
haha, but the rain stopped soon after and we got the pit going, yay!

now won't you do the burnt satay tango with me?

don't you just love stupid pictures?


haha, i love this pic. wth is amanda doing at the back? hahahahahahaha!

then we had cake! wow, how nice, haha.


note to self: never stand beside audrey-the-most-cursed-girl-in-the-world during photoshoots. and they were pointing the third finger at her lor, not me, i'm so innocent. hahaha.
then everyone went to swim but i stayed with clarissa to wait for her mother to come pick her up. we got bored so we started barbequeing the rest of the chicken wings and satay. haha, then while waiting for them to cook, we suddenly had the urge to dance and so we made up a FIRE DANCE!!! HAHAHAHA, GOSH, i wish i had it videotaped, it was so freaking stupid. we were walking like crabs and were using the thongs as pincers in one hand and waving a paper plate in the other. hahahaha!
then clarissa went home, the rest came back, we continued movieing and they decided to sleep. eunice goh, joan and i went upstairs to sleep cus there wasn't anymore space downstairs. i fell asleep pretty quickly and very soon after, nateng and cindy came bursting into our room saying they heard some Mmmm sound. they said it was repeatitive and the pauses in between each Mmmmm were unequal, so can't be some machine or sth. they were damn freaked out la. then soon after, the rest of the people came bursting into the room, they didn't wanna stay downstairs anymore, haha. so funny. please la, what kind of ghost goes Mmmm? haha, i think the horror movies we watched got into their heads, haha. so we decided to go downstairs and on the tv loudloud so that we couldn't hear the Mmmm sound. wow, they damn nice la, they asked me to go down and switch the tv on, so i just went. then natkoh was like, i'll go with you. so ok, good la, but natkoh freaked me out even more than the Mmmm sound. i swear man. i was setting up the tv and cus they wanted to watch movies, so i asked nat, ey, which button to press ar? then she told me, then i was like, oh, then it's AV what? then she didn't reply me, she just stood there staring into space. OH CRAP. then i was like, NAT! AV what? then she was like, oh, 3. then she stoned for a while more and finally said, they're right, the sound IS louder downstairs. OKAYYY.
then the rest came down, played a bit of Xbox instead, then they wanted to watch Chicago. and i fell right asleep during the first song, All That Jazz. wow, and we were sooo crammed, i think i was pretty tired.
the last day! i tell you, concert banders are SOO vulgar!!! wake up already the first thing they say is "F***, what time is it?" wth, haha. oh mannn, i couldn't wake up laa. the first time i woke up, Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends was on, i managed to muster enough energy to go "foster's home for imaginary friends!!!" ok, so i tried to stay awake to watch, then i realised i saw that episode about 3 times already, so i went back to sleep, and i woke up again to ppl saying that actually we didn't really have to check out at 9am, lastest by 10. so good, i went back to sleep, haha. then finally someone was like, eh maxineee, wake up la. then i just opened my eyes and i saw audrey also sitting up and everyone else was up and awake. then i was like, oh man, so i quickly got up and it was freaking cold. yup, then checked out and went home, haha, good night! oh, shit, i just missed Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, i hope it's another one of those episodes that i've watched a million and one times already, haha.
GONE SHOPPING, 12/17/2006 12:45:00 am
Monday, December 11, 2006
YAY! we had a movie marathong lastlast saturday to sunday. so i went for evening mass on sat so could spend the whole of sunday with them! yay! it was supposed to be at qian's house but chrystal's mother had a sudden wave of STM and didn't let chrystal go cus she didn't remember her telling her about it. so becks, qian and i met up for dinner at killiney kopitiam and then decided to crash chrys' place and have the marathong there! dropped by qian's house first to grab a few things.

while waiting for the bus. my, she hasn't changed a bit! hahahaha
at qian's house, while watching All That, qian was remembering about their last year's drama exam. HAHA, it was soo funny. Harmoinie Granger = Her-money Changer. HAHAHAHAHAHA! funny stuff. then went to chrys' house and watched
-Final Destination 3 (FINALLY!)
-half of The Forgotten (cus it was boring)
-half of From Hell (cus we fell asleep)
yeah, that was pathetic. but we had FUN. hell yeah!
we tried out this experiment that's supposed to explode. we took a cup of coke and just put mentos in. we weren't sure about how many so we just put in one. the thing began to sizzle and jizzle but it slowly died down. then we added another one and put more coke, OH MAN, it was like foaming A LOT! and we kept telling becks, who took this picture,

so we waited... and we waited...
-imitates sponebob narrator- TEN MINITS LATUER...
SUDDENLY! the thing stopped and died.
hahahaha, so much for an explosion. then halfway i don't know how it started but we started plaiting each others' hair.

becks has no hair to tie! hahahaha

aH liiAnZz wOrXx

just a random pic, haha. grandma becks.

then we got hungry and ate ice cream!

still hungry! so we made instant noodles.

doing it the lazy asswiper way.

wondering ghost, haha. oh man, my face is flat! like prata! hahahahaha

sam sui women! haha

HAHAHA! funniest pic ever

we were so hungry, we were gonna eat becks up

nothing to see, hahahahaha

it was around 5am then and we went out onto the street to heely while it was drizzling. it was sooo nice, i usesd becks' heelys and i think i got addicted to them! haha.
the next day, we went to town in heelys! actually it was just chrys and becks, but i kept using becks' ones, haha. so we were heelying around town in oversized shirts, shorts and plaited hair (except for becks, HAHA). someone said it was as if we were P6 or sth, who just got back our PSLE results and are happily heelying around town, haha, so wth.
then went home around 7. BYE!!!
P.S. i do notice that i spelt it as marathonG. X)
GONE SHOPPING, 12/11/2006 12:09:00 am
Friday, December 08, 2006
last night, i had a dream about you. dadada dadadadadadada
haha, you know, it's that song from the nokia advertisement. yeah, you know it? youknowyouknow?
i had a seriously weird dream this morning. actually i had two, but i forgot the first one, i could only remember it this morning, until i suddenly remember the second one and was all -GASP-. and then i forgot the first one cus the second one was sooo much weirder. but it was somewhat normal la, more normal than my usual. *cough*fairies*cough*
haha, ok so what happened was that i finished my Os after sec 4 and i was looking for somewhere to do my tertiary education and i realised that my parents put me in ST PATS?!?!?!? wth, firstly, it's a boys school. secondly, it's not even tertiary. thirdly, WHAT THE HELL?
but in the dream, st pats WAS a mix school, the girls wore a dark blue pleated skirt and stockings and it was a JC of some sort. ok, and it was like, my first day of school already, and i was at home getting ready to leave the house and i was asking my parents how to get there and i was very afraid i was gonna be late. then i remembered i could take a bus 14 and was happy that i only need to leave the house half an hour before school starts and i was thinking of was CCA i was gonna join and then i went, aiya, most probably band. and then i started wondering to myself, does school even start so early? cus i thought there was still a week more till the holidays ended, so i went to my room, opened my closet and Chrystal, Anne and someone else were in MY CLOSET playing cards. wow, then i casually asked them when their school was starting (they were in a different school) and they said in a week's time. then i woke up.
yup, just wanted to tell you about my dream. X) and another thing, m also surprised and somewhat freaked out that so many people come to my blog. WOWW, I'M POP-YOU-LA! hahahahahaha, nahh, actually the first 70 people were debbie, melissa and me cus there was something wrong with the layout when we tried to put it up and we've all been tampering with the codes and checking back here to see if it's alright. but even after that, a lot of people has been coming to my blog. hohoho, I KNOW THE TRUTH NOW. actually there isn't anything to it la, just that i used to think no one comes to my blog very often, haha. YES, I AM MOTIVATED TO BLOG MORE NOW. hahahaha, so lame.
GONE SHOPPING, 12/08/2006 07:28:00 pm
Monday, December 04, 2006
no, not really. hahaha, but i really really
like LURVEE the new layout. from the L, to the misspelling, to the double 'E'.
yay, i feel so homey now. the air con's on, my mum's talking to me about her day, i'm not listening, m here sitting in front of the comp in dim lighting and eating otah otah getting bitten to death by mosquitos. i likeee.
oh, btw, thanks melissa for bloggerising the layout and making it blogger compatible.
and WHO WANTS A BABY KITTEN? there's this stray kitten downstairs, meowing REALLY loudly, so much so that i can hear it from the fourth floor of my high ceiling-ed condo past the swimming pool, past the fountain, past the mango trees and on a hill. but if you want it, you gotta be like super free until you think dust is collecting on you and algae might be starting to grow on your toes. namely DABBIE, who so happens to also want a kitten real badly. i could keep it but it's a real hassel, i had two baby kittens before and yeah, it was hell. erm... i think the cat's white, black and orange. or... could it be just white and black? don't know, couldn't see very well, it was in between the bushes and it was dark outside. but it actually approached us when we meowed at it. who wan who wan who wannn?
MOVING ON. there was some kind of exchange with the loyang band and the ccps band today at our school. i don't get what's up with exchanges, so useless. i didn't learn anything lehh. ok, well, i get it if they ask the loyang people to come helps us with out foot drills, they're like damn good la, but there's nothing of that sort, we just watched them fall in and that's all. ahahahaha, tomorrow is punishments day. mann, my section's gonna get it. cus right, everytime we come late, it's 5 rounds round the field, and everytime we come in wrong attire, it's 30 push ups. i think i've got lots of rounds to do, and plus, it's 6 rounds for committee members. nice.
she go there to bang cocks. hahaha =Xoh well, SHE BETTER GET ME SOMETHING OR I'LL BANG HER COCK. not that she has one. hahahaha. oh deeaarrrrrrr, i feel so VULGAR! yucks, ok! i shall shut up now.
GONE SHOPPING, 12/04/2006 11:46:00 pm