Monday, January 29, 2007
and proud to be it! although sometimes i help people think of lies to tell teachers, or i sometimes say really mean stuff about people, i am still TRYING to be a good little Catholic girl. yes, i shall do less of "how about u say u got tuition?" and more of "my mommy said that liars go to hell". HAHAHA.
anyway, yes, today was my confirmation. and clarissa's, and theresse's, and heydi's, and kimberly's, and isabel's, and deborah's, and melanie's, and natasha's, and paula's, and audrey lange's, and nicole oliveiro's, and christabel's, and michelle koh's, and melody's, and... aiya, a lot of ppl la. oh, and one more thing that i should stop doing. i should stop being so anti-social. today, chrystal didn't know that i go to Holy Trinity! she saw me today and was all "why are you confirming here?" hahaha, she thought i went to OLPS. and just that afternoon i saw her online and i was thinking of asking her whether she was coming, but then i was too lazy to and thought that she was most likely to come. haiyaaaaa, but she gave me someone else's flower instead. aww, THANK CHRYS, AND THANKS JO AND BECKS TOO, cus they shared the price of the flowers too. eh, actually i think becks knows that i go to Holy Trin la! just that it probably didn't occour to her that i was getting confirmed, walau.
yay, everyone looked prettypretty.
pretty ugly JUST KIDDING! hahaha, yeah, everyone looked real nice. i think theresse's grandmother did a good job on her dress, quite nice eh. and i felt that time passed pretty quickly during mass today, and i reallyreallyREALLY like that oil, or chrism, which they used to put on our foreheads, it smells SOOO nice! i likee. my sister said that these oils are pretty expensive, they're middle eastern or sth like that, cus middle east specialise in their oils n stuff. then since they don't use perfumes cus it contains alchohol, so they use these oils so make themselves smell pretty. woww. yeah, n now i dun wanna wash it off cus m addicted to the smell. gee, i hope i don't get pimples, but if i do, then i'd get nice smelling pimples rightrightright? haha, ok, maybe not.
then after mass had ended, we took lots of pictures.

part of my class

then went to TM to meet amanda, audrey,jennifer and weelyn

then went to some seafood place with clarissa and melody and their parents and took pictures with the black pepper crab. yay!

very hungry!

haha, our prettypretty hair

our prettypretty shoes
then we went home, yeh

i was looking at my flowers and i saw this COOL flower. it had onion leaves/ chives stuff attached to it. cool manzz. and the flowers from chrystal, becks n jo were damn COOL too. there was this little container thing at the bottom of the stalk with water in it, and no matter how much u flip the flower, the water can't come out, so interesting! hahahaha

samCHAN gave this to me. i didn't know what was in it, i only knew that the container reminded me of KENNY ROGERS, haha.

then i opened it and there were COOKIES!! omgoshh!!! she's so sweet la, she made the effort to bake cookies for us, and they were really crunchy and yummyyyyyy.

all my flowers. i love you people, not only those who gave me the flowers but those who bothered to show up. and those who couldn't come but wanted to. i love you all very much, you guys made my day! and i'm not just saying that, i really mean it. thank you to people like alicia, amanda, audrey, becky, chrystal, debbie, huang chi, jennifer, jolena, mavis, melissa, nicolette ong, samantha chan, sonia chew, valerie, weelyn, my mum and francesca! yes, i hope i didn't forget anyone, if i did, tell me. thankyou! good night ya'll!
GONE SHOPPING, 1/29/2007 12:13:00 am
Sunday, January 28, 2007
ohana's got the power yeh
ho mannnnn, facilitating the sec2 Camp CORRI at Jalan Bahtera brought back so many good memories! and especially since i facilitated TWOSEVEN. ahhh!!! so much like the sec2sy days! i remember our class cheer two years ago!!
clapclapclapstampclapstampclapstampclapclapstampclapclapstampstampclapclapstampstampclapclap. o ohana, ohana's got the power say, o ohana, ohana's got the power yeh, p. p-o. p-o-w-e-r. we've got the power! yehyeh, ohana power!
actually it's a pretty retarded cheer, haha, and i can't really remember it but it's something like that la. but i think the power part was a bit retarded, but the rthym was damn nice. and i remember ms melody, or sth like that, she gave us that cheer, we were so glad we didn't have to think of one ourselves, hahaha. and i remembered she flew many times while belaying
us sukanyaa. teehee, just kidding! haha, and i remember standing on my kayak singing twinkletwinkle little star, and kayaking through the kelongs and i remember sitting under the hot sun waiting for my turn to go on the high rope elements. i remember having to walk a looooonglooooong way to the toilets and there was once i forgot to take my soap and i had walk the loongloooong way back again, haiyoooooo, i miss sec2 now. but it's the uptightness of camps that make them not as fun anymore, like we have to be soo punctual when they don't even give us enough time, when we get punished for leaving bottles behind n stuff. that's why i kinda made it a point not to be too harsh and unfair to them but now, anne says that we might not we getting our points cus they were dissappointed in 2/7, but at least we were soooo enthusiastic unlike those bums from 2/8 who didn't even try, they just sat there and slept during the campfire. nevermind, i still think 2/7 did an excellent job! GOODJOBGOODJOB! clapclap. GOODJOBGOODJOB! clapclap. GOODJOBGOODJOB! clapclap. TWOSEVEN!
haha, the first day of camp, while doing orientations, we asked them to make nametags using masking tape and there were 4 girls who switched their names, cherylann, vivien, jerine and geraldine. it was sooo funny, and we were trying to figure their names out, but it wasn't that hard, cus while belaying, you hear lots of stuff cus they will accidently call each other by their real names. then if u go "ahah! u just called her jerine!" or whatever, then they'll try to make up funny excuses. and they kept changing their names cus they couldn't remember what it was before, HAHA. then they'll accidently call each other by the wrong name also, wow, it was a big confusion but we managed to figure their names out by ourselves by the end the second day! wow, not bad huh.
didn't really get to kayak much, and we kept breaking up when we raft up. THAT CHERYLANN LA, GOT ANTS IN HER PANTS, KEEP SHAKING HER BUTT. hahahaha, then nature rumble, it was funnnnnn. we had to swim under a log in the water, covered in algae, so funnnn. then there was this girl who didn't want to swim and she started hyperventilating, they said she was in shock, and later when they asked her why, she said she dunno, i think she bluff one lor. haha, and i tried putting the mud on my face, but it doesn't work people! psychological only, haha. then it's the challenge rope course and rock wall, i think i did a pretty good job belaying, hehhehheh. being a facilitator was pretty good, we got to bathe at any toilet much later at night when everyone has finished bathing and CLEANED THE TOILETS. wow, but we had to be super punctual cus if we expected our class to be there on time, we had to be the EARLIER. we didn't have enough time to do lots of stuff, already two years ago in our batch, it was so jampacked and now they added in the nature rumble too?! wth, they're crazyyyyyy.
i thought the campfire was damn fun, but after a while, people got sleepy, n they kept trying to teach them boring cheers. i think they'd like it just as much if we just keep singing that 'i asked my love' song throughout the whole thing, hahahahahaha.
ahhhhhh, i love twoseven! i would come back and facilitate them anyday, whether they give my points or not, i don't care. hahaha.
GONE SHOPPING, 1/28/2007 01:48:00 am
Saturday, January 20, 2007
something's jumping, jumping in my shirt
yes there is, it's my heartbeat. haha, so corny but i love it. that was from the finale song. haiyaaaa, i wish that it would be for two nights, but if it were, there would be so little people coming for each one, already with one, we're having trouble filling the hall up. goosh, the hall was pretty big right? rightrightrightrightright?
ok, this was at citylink.

is that supposed to be an INSULT? bloody nike, ballerinas kick VERY WELL ok. once u kick there already ah, no more father's day for you. see whether still can say, walau la.
GONE SHOPPING, 1/20/2007 12:07:00 am
Friday, January 12, 2007
Fete De La Danse
YES, i have finally gotten all the pictures and i am now blogging. my holidays were generally from home to band then dance then home then band then dance. seriously, i've been spending more time in that dance studio than i spend at school on some days. but it was FANTASTIC, well it better be after how much effort i had put in. see my time table thing for December, it's been like intensive dance training from the start till the concert date, 29TH DECEMBER. yeh man.

it doesn't matter whether your schedule was more packed than mine or whatever. to me, it's as hectic as hectic gets, but i survived!
oh, and there was this comment by Abi on the 11th of Dec, if you're actually reading this, which Abi are you? haha, there's the grade7 chacha Abigail and the abigailADVANCED, haha. but i think it's abigailADVANCED cus chachaabigail puts her name as 'abby'. yeah, i think so... no wonder she called me makseem, haha, which is how ms ho pronounces my name, i don't think the chachaabigail knows how ms ho pronounces my name. oh yay, HI ABIGAIL!!!
and by the way, i was doing hip hop and contemporary, but most of the pics will be in hip hop costumes which are totally ugly. but i like doing hip hop cus it gives us an excuse to ACT COOL. hahaha, i'm very sure clarissa and abigail would love to tell you how annoying it was for them, HAHA.

usual practices, they're all full of ouchies and oochies cus we always trying silly things.

first full dress REHEARSAL. eeeee, my GELed up fringe.

awfulawful costumes! but we had lots of fun with them, haha. i wanted to make a M-A-X-I-N-E, but there wasn't anyone's names which started with an X.

after that, clarissa and i started taking lots of pictures, like a lot a lot, haha.

second last full dress REHEARSAL. i think there were about 4 in total. =S
we had to do lots of waiting. so waiting = nothing to do = PICTURES!

in the bus! suzanne and i

our veryvery cool dressing room made me feel like a STAR!

haha, and we each got veryvery cool lockers which made me feel like a smelly sweaty guy in the football team. =S

angie and i. she's shorter than me!! wow, but she's sec2 this yr, haha, but hey, i was that height in sec2 too.

our veryvery cool lockers. dunno what i was doing la.

we are all very vain people

the 'M's of the class, melanie, maxine, melissa and melissa, there's one more melissa actually, but dunno where she went to la.

people, this is the one and only Ms Sandra Ho, our slave driver.

people love me, HAHA.

haha, i was the official eyeliner-ner for the night, but SHHH, don't tell, but i don't really know how to put eyeliner, but it looked great okay, it's looked real nice. i can become PRO now, HAHAHA.

we each got flowers from Ms Ho, and we were having fun with them, yayyyy.

haha, and i thought this was real cute, and i took the pic! haha, ok, it's a little shaky but it's a nice picture la.

the last picture taken before the performance! ahhh!
the following pictures has been by courtesy of DEBBIE.

the veryvery big NUS UCC hall

just before the concert!
and after the concert...

thank you ms ho and ms tan who have been soo patient with us and helped make the concert be such a success.
thank you to those who have helped me through the concert, especially that very confusing orang utan part in contemporary, and thank you to those who have made practices so FUN and enjoyable, i thought hiphop was gonna be a drag but we had SOO much fun acting cool and stuff.
and thank you berryberry much to those who came to watch and to those who wanted to come but couldn't, thankyouthankyou.
GONE SHOPPING, 1/12/2007 08:55:00 pm