Thursday, May 24, 2007
macbeth was okayy. as expected, i didn't understand a word they were saying. ok, maybe just a bit, like "out, spot! out i say!" and "i have been killed, mum". haha, those were hilarious. but i somewhat understood the plot from their expressions and actions la, so it wasn't too bad. there was also this dude who played malcolm in the play, he was so totally cute and everyone was falling in love with him, but ah wells, we saw him later upclose when he has changed out of his costume and was flaging a cab. he was fat and ugly. indeed, the stage does wonders for people.
on the bus home, i was alone and i started thinking about report card tomorrow. i know, i don't want to rant or complain, but i just couldn't help feel a sense of hopelessness. i know you are probably fed up of reading this in everyone's blogs nowadays, but just listen to me first. kay, like i've been really trying to accept my results and i keep avoiding to admit that i'm totally disappointed in myself, but i really am. i reallyreallyreally am. and i just cannot accept them because i actually
studied. i put in loads of hard work and effort and i studied for hours on end, and i simply don't know why my results are like that. so i feel totally helpless cus i don't know what went wrong. then i realised that this is the same feeling when we got a bronze for SYF, having put in so much effort and still not reaping results. except that this time round, there won't be comments from any judges to tell us our wrongs. beybey can't possibly tell me my wrongs, how would she know? how would anyone know? HOPELESS.
then i remembered something from some blog i read,
"there is no limiting factor of hard work". then it dawned on me, WHAT ON EARTH AM I TALKING ABOUT? i am sooo NOT a giver upper, i'm just gonna have to try harder. if i still fail, i'll try yet EVEN harder. i'll just keep trying harder and harder until i die of exhaustion, hahahahaha. i'll be very focused all the way till o levels, there's only about 5 more months to the Os. we've been schooling for like what, almost 10 years of our lives and in these 5 months, we can either choose to play a fool or work really hard. if we play a fool and not do well in our Os, ten years of schooling would go down the drain and we'll just end up in some rubbish course in some rubbish poly. ten years, mind you, TEN YEARS! are you willing to just let ten years of homework, sweat and blood just slip out of your fingers because you've been playing a fool during these five months? hell no, what's more is that after our Os, we can just play as much as we want during that longlong break we have. so wouldn't it be much more worth it if we just push for 5 more months and put 10 years of schooling to good use?
i think lim muimui should get a job as a motivational speaker instead, she was the one would talked to us about there being only 5 more months and how we could throw 10 years of schooling away if we play a fool. and she also said that she wouldn't be able to bear to see us go somewhere rubbishy cus she knows us (sort of) personally and that we're actually really good girls and it's been a pleasure for her to teach us. i thought that was pretty sweet of her, haha. but she also said that although she would feel sorry for us, she wouldn't be able to give us anything more to help us go somewhere, and that emphathy was all she could offer, so we might as well just work hard.
i hoped that kinda motivated everyone to work hard, although things arn't actually all hunky dory on this end of the line, but hey, we're all in this together and we can do it if we set our minds to.
oh, today, after school, i was really shocked and touched by some of my sec ones. three of them came looking for me in class and they gave me presents, saying that since it was my last year in the school and stuff. i was shocked cus they were sec ones, most of whom don't give a damn about sec 4s and wouldn't even notice the difference when they're out of school. (haha, i''m speaking from experience ok) so yeah, i love them supersuper a lot and i'm really proud to be their senior, hehhehhehhehhehhehheh. so cheeeeeesyyyyyyyyyyy.
GONE SHOPPING, 5/24/2007 11:47:00 pm
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
oh dear oh dear oh deeeearrrr!!!
my sister's helping out with the sounds for the Macbeth play and she had to print out the scripts, then she left them on the computer table. so being the ever so curious me, i started reading a section of it.
"DUNCAN (meeting a bleeding sergeant)
what bloody man is that? he can
As seemeth by his plight, of the
The newest state.
For where there is an advantage to be
Both more and less have given him
the revolt,
And none serve with him but
contrained things
Whose hearts are absent too."
i have NOOO idea why i wanted to go, i don't understand what he's uttering about! haha, but i do like the line, WHAT BLOODY MAN IS THAT? hahahahahaha, it's funny. and what's more is that the lit girls won't want to tell us what they are talking about, so ethel and i, who are the only geog girls going, will end up talking about tropical cyclones cus we won't know what they're talking about, hahahahaha.
ok, let me TRY to understand what it means, lit girls, don't laugh at me. hahahahahahaha. so erm... erm... it means that the bloody sergeant can use his bloodiness... to his advantage? like by reporting it... and a revolution would happen... and the people on his side would be people who are... heartless?
gosh, in what way is that an advantage??? oh well...
tropical cyclones are formed over a large body of water such as the sea, this requires very warm water, of about 40 degrees which would heat the air above it, cause it to expand, become less dense and rise, causing an area of low pressure. the low pressure causes winds as air moves from an area of high to low presure. these prevailing winds move in a swirling movement and contribute to a tropical cyclone...
GONE SHOPPING, 5/22/2007 06:59:00 pm
Sunday, May 13, 2007
my mommy said that liars go to hell
well i say that liars lose the trust of their friends.
well, yeah, i know i'm not entirely Honest Abe all the time, i lied to my brother today without even noticing it, just because him being a little boy makes it feel as if whatever i say to him won't matter, such like telling him the toy sponge crocodile in the toilet would grow to become really big and bite him, or that if he was too greedy, his arms would fall off. honestly you'd think that these little things you say won't affect him. but you have nooo idea, it so does. today, he made a big fuss when my dad switched the fan on, cus someone told him that the house would blow up if the fan was switched on. he started crying and i seriously thought that if the fan wouldn't blow the house up, his screams would.
i realised that when i see some friends lie to other people, i lose trust in those friends, especially those who make up extensive stories and whatever they tell that other person are lies. i feel that since they are so comfortable telling elaborate lies to other people, why not to me too? and then i would go on to think that they are probably backstabbing me, yes i know i'm paranoid. but it's so true, how would you know that your best friend isn't just pretending to be your best friend? that your boyfriend isn't just pretending to be your boyfriend? that your CAT is actually a COW!?!
haha, ignore that last line.
and although i do lie once in a while, at least i try to stop once i realised that i'm actually lying. but some people even ASK me to help them think of a story or make some totally untrue excuse to tell someone else. wouldn't this then, instead of getting the person off your back, actually MISLEAD the person to think that you WANT to go out with her or whatever, but just can't? a white lie is still as such, a LIE.
so yeah, i kind of don't trust them anymore, and it makes me wonder whether the whole friendship was just a lie. but this doesn't mean for you to not lie to other people ONLY when i'm there, it means to STOP LYING.
GONE SHOPPING, 5/13/2007 11:28:00 pm
Saturday, May 12, 2007
i love mugging
NOTit'soverit'soverit'sover IT'S OVER!!!

i've decided...
it is time...
i saw mrs yip today, i realised that she looks like a little boy. so cute, hahahaha. i like it, i think i'm gonna get a haircut JUST like it.
i think i'll go for the fatboy look.
my gym partner's a monkey
my gym partners a monkey
my gym partner's a monkey
my gym partner's a MONKEY!
GONE SHOPPING, 5/12/2007 01:50:00 am
Friday, May 04, 2007
today is a good day cus it's FRIDAY!
i was sooooo unfocused for both exams yesterday! but nevermind, i knew how to do both SEQs for SS, first time! and today, for geog, i managed to get to my fourth question! YOYY. that would actually be an improvement, haha.
how would you feel if your pet went missing?

that was two weeks ago. we told the cleaners and the security gaurd to help us find her.

ANYWAY, cadbury time out heaven! :D

deer caught in headlights.

audrey's confirmation!

studying with laurel is BAD.

studying with qian ru is IMPOSSIBLE.

studying with both of them is indescribable.
qote of that day: "i feel like boxing you."

five days after she went missing, we found her! five days. she was skinny as hell and super dirty.
we gave her a bath.
nelly is baaaaaaack!
GONE SHOPPING, 5/04/2007 04:28:00 pm