Wednesday, August 29, 2007
i'd like to do well.
i'd love to do well.
i'd love to excel.
i'd also love to be a billionare.
no one said it's gonna happen.
i don't know, i simply don't know how i did.
wrote about Bob the bully today, i was amazed at my vocabulary, but the story line was pathetic.
for anything else, i'm just clueless.
i learnt something new about SS yesterday, which i wished i had learnt earlier. it actually does pay to mug the day before the exams. about a week before, maybe just look through, write notes, but on the day before, memorise and plan how to do essays. what i did was probably the opposite, and me, having the memory span of 24 hours, forgot how to weigh and forgot my opinions, when my bestest chapter came out. i very well know what was my most important factor because i did so so so so sooooo many essay on it before, but yesterday, i forgot.
i tried to move on, but i just can't. it's not as trival as saying, oops, i forgot to water the plants. not even, oops, i forgot to wear my bra today. and that little green man at the back of my head is STILL nagging at me for english orals.
i don't know how many times i have to repeat to myself what mrs heng told us.
"if you've had a bad paper, just move on and focus on the paper the next day"
move on, move on, move on.
GONE SHOPPING, 8/29/2007 08:05:00 pm
Friday, August 17, 2007
HELP! i don't know what to do, there's no point in living anymore!
today during PE, i was getting excited as we were going to play captain's ball, after what seemed like eternity, and more eternity of playing frisbee, the most retarded game in the whole wide world. honestly, i think frisbee should belong to the beach and stay there. may all frisbees fly into the sea and get lost forever. anyway, i was all hyped up and i even decided that i was going to participate fully in this game because as much as i hate captain's ball, playing frisbee for an eternity has made me see the beauty of this game. we started the game and jo, being the tallest, managed to hit the ball in the direction of our goal. we were on a great start but suddenly, the ball escaped and went bouncing to the side. i was nearest to the ball so i started running towards it. i reached out my arms to grab it. i could almost catch it! we could've scored a goal, i just needed to catch it! i was so near!
then, i tripped.
i went falling. thoughts and images flashed before my eyes as i hit hard on my face. my slighty scraped hands have failed to break my fall as the side of my face practically skidded against the rough ground of the tennis court. i laid there face on the ground thinking, could it be true? what if... what will i do if... how will i live if...
it was when people started crowding around me that i managed to push myself from the ground and i cried out, "OH MY GOSH, AM I UGLY?!?!?"
honestly, this is a real. real. Real. REAL. CRISIS. gone are the days of my radiant complexion and baby smooth skin. my face is SCRAPED you hear me? SCRAPED!!! after this possibly gaping wound closes, there are gonna be ugly CRUSTS and when that heals, i'm gonna be SCARRED FOR LIFE. i'm disfigured, beyond recognition, i'll be defaced foreverrrrr! i can never show my face in public anymore, i'd have to move. to the amazon rainforest perhaps. stay with the tribes. gosh, one look at me and even they will probably condemn me to be their sacrificial pig for the gods. what made it worse was that when jo was bringing me to the toilet to wash up, she told me, "no more soya sauce for you". something to do with scars and such. WHAT IS THE POINT OF LIVING ANYMORE?! no more soya sauce means no more chicken rice, no more wanton noodles, no more black carrot cake, no more no more no more! i'm ugly, i can't eat and i'm gonna be a sacrificial pig. point blank, I'M UGLYYYY!!! from the U right to the quadruple Y.
goodbye cruel world! i'm going to slit my wrists now.
no, it might cause a scar.
note: this post is not to be taken seriously. it's my bimbo moment, so live with it. btw, i did not trip on thin air. no, i am not that stupid. i tripped over someone's leg. i did fall on my face, however, my face is not 'disfigured'. not entirely, HAHA. slightly above my left eyebrow though. but as for my knees and elbows, i shall not mention. it's gross. but yes, while lying face flat on the ground, i did panic about having half my face scraped off. i was seriously scared cus i couldn't really feel my face, hahaha.
sigh, such is my life.
GONE SHOPPING, 8/17/2007 10:28:00 pm
Friday, August 10, 2007
long weekend!
oh gosh, i feel horriiible. i've hardly done much homework and it's two more weeks to prelims. honestly i was quite GLAD when last week, ms lim talked to us individually, trying to get some sense of emergency into us. and honestly, after that, i was grumpy, upset and panicky. but it was good to some extent that i finally realised how close the Os are. prelims are only two weeks more! i'm so not ready, i'm worried shitless, but i'm not doing anything. everytime i get all motivated, i start on some homework and then i get distracted and i lose track. BLAH.
i need to do something.
i will do something.
but first, i'll end on a happy note.

seeing this just makes me want a baby chihuahua called Jimi Hendrix of my own.

haha, and yes, i know it's disgusting that i'm comparing myself to paris hilton, but it's funny cus those are my grandmother's sunglasses. i like it, i'm eyeing a pair of red ones from river island :DDD
and lastly,
Poor Paris Hilton Rashed from Jail SheetsParis Hilton recovered in a nursery after being released from jail.
The hotel heiress - who spent 23 days in a Los Angeles county jail for
driving with a suspended license - suffered a rash from the prison
"sandpaper sheets" her mother Kathy claims, so she prepared a "comfy" haven
for her daughter to recover in.
Kathy told People magazine: "She had been in jail, obviously with the very
thin sheets and one pillow and one little thin blanket. That's how inmates
get rashes. It feels like sandpaper.
"So I made her a bed up in what used to be the baby nursery for the
grandchildren at Paris' grandfather's house. I had fresh, really soft
towels, and really soft sheets and one of those really soft, cuddly blankets
called 'my blankey,' and nice soft pillowcases.
"She went in, and she looked at the towels and the water by her bedside. I
wanted to make her feel really welcome.
"And we went downstairs and made a sandwich. And she ran outside with her
doggie. And she ran, and she was screaming, 'Oh, this feels so good. I feel
so lucky.' "
'The Simple Life' star's mother also spoke of how hard it was to see her
26-year-old daughter wrenched away from her after jail visits.
Kathy said: "One of the hardest things was seeing the rashes on her arms and
face from the thin sheets.
"And when time was up they grabbed her under the arm and pulled her away
from me." "
GONE SHOPPING, 8/10/2007 05:32:00 pm
Thursday, August 02, 2007
SeeJaySee, PaulLee's wife
haha, i sent my CJC application in today. i'm trying to decide whether i got myself into a whole lot of shit or i'm building my bright future. i'm trying to convince myself of the latter though. but well, when people find out that i've applied to CJC, most of them go, "HUH. CJ need to DSA meh?"
ok, yeah, party school, everyday slack, nobody wants to go there. but you know, it's really rising really quickly. the cut off point is ELEVEN now, i don't even know whether i can achieve that. i talked to my sister and she thinks i should really try to get in, she gave concrete evidence and now i am convinced. haha, apparently the notes they give are good, people from SAJC are even trying to get hold of CJC notes. ex-seniors in CJ seem to be coping better than in SA. and band for one is really improving. GOLD. they said that ever since the new principal came in, everything's been changing for the better. haha, kinda sounds familiar doesn't it?
ok, i'm sorry for propaganda but it certainly is a nice thought.
so don't tell me that CJC is one of the worst JCs.
i'll tell you that you've been living under a rock.
well, met up with ELISABETH. gosh, i missed that girl. she showed us, as in anne and i, around the school and stuff, but she had to pretend she didn't know us and always keep a distance of 3 metres away from us cus she's not supposed to bring friends in, haha. elisabeth, the girl would used to be in library and lived for Legion of Mary, is now in FENCING. who would've thought? coolness, haha, she still is in Legion of Mary though, and council. it was like reallyreally funny, cus she was like talking to us and telling us about the school while walking 3 metres in front of us, and she REALLY looked as if she was talking to herself. hahaha! she even brought us to the field where some classes were having PE, HINTHINT. ah well, i don't think CJ has much good looking guys anyway.
oh btw, i've also made up my mind today.
1) he can help carry my school bag and stuff on days when i go shopping after school.
yup, that's all, HAHA. hey, at least it was better than before. for a really long time, i only could think of point one.
ok, back to before my degression. i really wonder how it'll feel like in a mixed school. mel told me something today which caused me to never see tired guys in the same way before. ahhh!!! oh, and we must always remember
the BO. i am soooo BO intolerant. like while walking home and i see a sweaty guy jogging in my direction, i would hold my breath as he passes me by. and while walking through the market to go to school and i see an old ah gong who would probably smell like raw fish, i'd hold my breath too.
oh, another good point about CJ. from there, i took the bus to parkway and the trip seemed VERY short, i did some homework and only managed to finish one question of emaths ws 5. wow. and no, that's not because i'm so stupid, i took so long to finish one question.
and lastly, CJ rhymes with YAY!
(so does every other JC but just pretend that you don't know that :D)
GONE SHOPPING, 8/02/2007 08:32:00 pm