Tuesday, January 29, 2008
sunnies from theresse
theresse, this is for you

also wearing the anna sui lipgloss from the asswipers.
GONE SHOPPING, 1/29/2008 12:25:00 am
Saturday, January 26, 2008
assa wia pera
truth be told, the results made me feel pretty useless. looking back at my whole secondary school life, i feel as if i don't have any talents. i wasn't a very good prefect, i was just an average clarinetist and my studies arn't so great. i don't even have leadership skills. even though i was president of Legion, an assistant section leader in band and i was in CAC as well, i didn't bring the Legion or clarinetist far at all, and i barely contributed to CAC. i don't seem to be great at anything i've tried so far, nor have interest in anything. ok, just let me brood over this.
i wanted to start a korean serial drama to take my mind of things but i realised that i can't push the results out of my head just yet cus i still have to choose a school. so i met the asswipers yesterday.
met them at cityhall and treated becks to Max Brenners' SUCKAO. ahah, it was good. then we walked around and took a lot of photos.

mel got me these sunnies for Christmas.

i love them, they're green.

uncanny resemblence.

spastic kid with purple tongue.
then went over to Chrys' house and we prank called people. we first called becks' classmate, some mat, pretending to be a bimbo, but he wasn't very fun. then we called isaball, she didn't pick up the phone saying "YO WAD UP". it was pretty funny, we pretended to be an ah beng asking her out. but she knew it was a prank and asked us to call macs instead, haha. then we called AUDREY LIAW. we pretended to be 93.3FM and spoke in chinese. SHE BELIEVED. SHE FREAKING BELIEVED. we asked her to answer a question and if she got it right, she would win a thousand bucks. we asked her for the singer of some chinese song, AND SHE GOOGLED IT UP. HAHAHAHA. omg la, isaball is smarter than audrey in prank calls! AUDREY DAMN STOOPS.
we had a movie marathong. we watched love wrecked, eragon, no reservations, white noise (i didn't watch this, i had ballet) and finding nemo. finding nemo was becks' idea cus of ellen, my goodnessss. then everyone had to leave for their own whatevers and furthermores.
GONE SHOPPING, 1/26/2008 04:06:00 pm
Friday, January 25, 2008

GONE SHOPPING, 1/25/2008 04:14:00 am
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
blahblehblablahbslaehbrleha. yeah, just ignore my last post la huh, it's just for me to let out my obsessionism and for you to kill boredom (you might get more bored reading it though).
GONE SHOPPING, 1/23/2008 11:37:00 pm
i'm going crazy. crazy crazy crazy. i even know what crazy is in korean.
i just loveeeee these korean serial dramas! i can't stand it anymore man. and especially korean serial dramas cus they're always really funny and i love to hear them speak the language and i think the korean actresses are all so cool, and the guy actors actually look like guys
most of the time.
firstly, the language is sooo nice to hear, and it's funny too cus sometimes you'll hear the occasional throaty phelgm words, and the actresses don't have high squeeky voices when they speak. oh man, it almost makes me want to learn korean, it's so cool.
second, these korean actresses always seem so pretty and skinny.
this is Yoo Rin from My Girl.

oh my girl! her eyes are sooo huge!!

and they can go even bigger when she's shocked. they're like two satelite dishes.
and because i have nothing better to do, i wondered whether my eyes can be as huge as hers. don't laugh ah.

do i look like a korean actress to you?
this is Eun Chan from Coffee Prince.

she plays a tomboy role and she still looks pretty pretty. she's really skinny as well, not that kind of skinny such that her arms and legs could snap anytime but the healthy kind of skinny. plus, i love the hair.
this is her with long hair (not from the show)

this is her with short hair.

looks much better yeah?
i think Coffee Prince is the best drama i've ever watched, it's really hilarious. they don't really try to make you cry buckets of tears but crack up in laughter, and if you just think back about a funny scene from the show, you'd find yourself laughing to yourself such that you'd land yourself next to weelyn in IMH. and that's what really makes me like a show cus i don't cry very easily while watching those sad sobby ones so i prefer them funny. and although it's not very sadzsadzsobxsobx, the cast are all so sincere in their acting, i've never really experienced many awkward or uncomfortable moments, it all seemed very... real.
and one major reason why the show was so funny was cus of Eun Chan, i love her personality cus she's so kiddish and cool and innocent. there were like no adults in the show cus she brought out the kid in everyone. she's so cool she just makes you want to be like her (not so much be in her situation though), and she also does this "URGHHH" thing which rubs off on people and i found myself going "URGHHH" like her as well. URGHHH, i want to be a korean serial drama actresssssssss.
one down side of the show though, is that the guy she falls in love with is really ugly. he's probably considered very good looking but i just don't like his face.

i'm sorry the picture is kinda small and unclear but that picture of me above has already scared off enough people so i wouldn't need to plaster a big picture of his face to do so anymore.
but really, i can't stand his face. everytime there's a romantic scene, i get so put off by it. but i guess after some time, i just got used to it and it wasn't so bad anymore.
oh mannn, i love coffee prince, i miss it a whole lot. now that i've finished it, i don't really miss it that much, but before i had finished it, i thought about it ALL THE TIME. the ending was good, and everyone was happy (unlike My Girl where there wasn't a real ending for the supporting casts) i guess the ending was satisfying la, that's why i don't miss it as much, but still pretty much a lot.
shit, i'm obsessed.
GONE SHOPPING, 1/23/2008 01:28:00 am
Thursday, January 17, 2008
My Girl
haha, jeong woo looks good in pink!

he's cute, in a slight ugly way.
i'm on the last episode! you know what i said about who liking who in my last post? yeah, forget it. haha.
now i think that yoo rin would end up with gong chan and jeong woo would turn gay. and about gong chan's girlfriend? she curled up and died like a worm. YAAAAAY.
GONE SHOPPING, 1/17/2008 03:44:00 am
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
As Swipers
Saturday Morning:
dad (barging into my room, waking me up): max, your friends are here.
me: -really shocked- HUH?
dad: your friends are here.
me: -more shocked- WHAT?!
dad: -quite annoyed- your friend are here.
there were some things going through my mind at this point of time.
1) YES I KNOW, DAD. i was just exclaiming 'WHAT?', not questioning.
2) what time is it? (it was 9 freaking 30 am, what the hell are my friends doing here?)
3) Qian Ru. (i was supposed to meet her at 10.40 at East Wood. she told me that she wanted me to follow her to collect her HOLGA she bought. i was so excited she knew what a holga was, much less buy one. was excited that she wouldn't be the odd one out to have a vintage camera among the Asswipers. so anyway, i thought that i probably had overslept and she decided to crash my place.)
4) i'm not wearing a bra.
so i quickly jumped out of bed, grabbed a bra, and went to the toilet. hey, i was wearing a old white tee okay. when i came out of the toilet, i saw some people and they shouted out "SURPRISE!" OH MY GOSH, IT WAS THE ASSWIPERS.
THEY ARE SO FREAKY OKAY, LIKE WHAT OCCASION IS IT MAN? my birthday is in 10 months, christmas is in 12, what could it be? well anyway, they gave me PRESENTS. hell, i don't care what occasion it is anymore, as long as there's presents, i'm TOOTALLY fine with it. C:

they made me cheesecake. :DDD
this really touched me, firstly because they are SO NOT kitchen-friendly (except chrys). and i didn't expect 'gelatin' to be in their vocabulary, or maybe even 'homemade'. plus, becks has school, i haven't seen her online for ages and i'm surprised she had time to bake a cake. lastly, they made it at becky's house. this means: NO electric mixer, NO oven, NO hammer thingys to crush oreos for the base, NO nothing. so pathetic lor, they used spoons to crush the oreos! HAHAHA, which also means they had to put extra effort into the cake. C:

they gave me this as well. i'm guessing they initially wanted to bake this but becky had no oven. HAHAHA, SO LOSER! then they asked me to bake this for them. -___-" they had also pasted a note on it which said "in case you get hungry". haha, so lame, and it has qian's handwriting all over it.

they gave me this black box as well, and they pasted pictures on it, please don't look at them closely, there a some very embarassing pics there, HAHA.

inside the box, there was undies, three starburst lollipops, a chocolate and anna sui lip gloss. yeah, i realised the knickers are the same as the ones audrey gave me, but i'm happy cus now i have two! hahaha. oh, and they gave me leftover ribbon as well. um... thanks, the ribbon... just what i wanted? HAHA.
they got my mum a gift as well! i think she was really shocked. but they explained that it was for all the good food she fed them at my last sleepover. haha, i think i still can't believe they surprised me so early on a saturday morning! after thinking for some time, i realised it was what i caught them whispering about at my last sleepover. i went to get drinks and when i came back, they were just talking and they got a shock and quickly changed the subject. it was so obvious. i tried to squeeze info out of them and finally, qian went "okok. we were talking about...-pause-" then i went "you're lying" haha, qian can't lie for nuts. first thought was that they were talking bad about me behind my back! i was trying to think of what they could possibly say and all i could think of was that they think i'm spoilt. haha, i'm glad it's not that.
so at the end of the day, what was the surprise for? for all my birthdays and Christmasses for the past three years (and maybe the next 10 years, HAHA) thank you very much guys, from the HEART OF MY BOTTOM.
lastly, please stop putting your glasses and plates into the sink after every meal, it's annoying and i don't even do it on normal circumstances. i have a maid and she is paid to do this, i don't want to be paying you guys. thank you.
i am watching My Girl now. you know that guy, jeong woo, i used to think he's seriously damn freaking ugly. and he plays a playboy role, that so does not fit.

no seriously, doesn't he look like a girl to you?
but omg, as the show progresses, i started to become used to his face and now everytime i see him, my heart goes out to him. i feel really sad for him cus he really likes yoo rin but everytime he bumps into her, she's crying over gong chan who looks much cuter. omg, it's so heart pain! and jeong woo is sooo sweet to her and he's such a nice dude. i'm at epidode 9 now and i really think that jeong woo would end up with gong chan's current girlfriend whom i hate, and gong chan would end up with yoo rin. yeah, at first i really wanted gong chan to be with yoo rin but now i really want yoo rin to be with jeong woo. and gong chan's girlfriend is starting to get annoying, she should just curl up and die like a worm.
GONE SHOPPING, 1/15/2008 01:34:00 am
Thursday, January 10, 2008
i'm back

i am chao da(er).
GONE SHOPPING, 1/10/2008 03:12:00 pm
Thursday, January 03, 2008
club med bintan!
when i come back, i will be CHAO DA(er) :D
GONE SHOPPING, 1/03/2008 11:15:00 pm
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!
i'd say that my last day of 2007 was one of the most memorable ones of the year. i remember in primary school, i used to be very sad when the year is about to end cus it always meant that the new school term was beginning and i had to go through another round of torture (i hated primary school). but this time round, i have no school to worry about and i had a great day with friends around.
i finally had my tea party! after a whole lot of fuss and contemplation. the recess bunch were invited and they were an hour and a half late! i was standing by the poolside like an idiot with my sunglasses and sun hat for an hour. it was really hot and my ice cream (which was homemade! 3 different flavours, 3 litres) was melting! they were supposed to turn up at 3, so i even started baking cupcakes and waffles at 2 so that they would be able to eat them hot when they came. heh, so much for that. i borrowed chrys' ipod speakers as well, THANK YOU CHRYS, they have served me well.
then when they came, i gave them air kisses and called them by Mrs. (name). haha, it was so fun! i was about to serve the tea when they started saying "do we REALLY have to drink tea?" but when i poured the tea from my mum's extremely cheena teapot, they realised it was actually tea sorbet! cool right? i swear, i am so creative.

we are the taitais

would you like some more tea?

after tea, we opened presents and then played a good long game of uno before everyone had to go home. i really hope everyone had an awesome time, blowing air kisses, sipping tea with our pinkies out, eating waffles and cheese on crackers, listening to french music, talking with british accents, simply just talking about stuff and lastly, pretending that we're 50 years old. *british accent* my goodness, dear MISS Neo, i'd say it's about time you tie the knot. we arn't getting any younger, love. hahahaha!!
we met up again later to go for the countdown and fireworks at marina bay! some people wanted to see the black parade -_-"
clarissa: "what time is the countdown?"
i think i contributed a lot, i brought the picnic mats, biscuits and HOT WATER. what for? why, for the instant noodles of course!

we set our butts on a patch of grass in the middle of nowhere and people had to walk around us to get to the other side, haha.

we were just outside the Harry's Steakhouse.

we brought a hell lot of food

and some entertainment to last us the wait.

singing along to the lousy bands playing

can you see? it says 2008!

PIG. hahaha, ate a lottttttt.

(on the phone at home)
clarissa: i'm wearing a tube
me: OMG, you want to kena molested isit?
clarissa: no la, i'm going to wear a sweater.
(at the countdown)
clarissa: i'm very hotttttttt. so hottttttttt.
haha, clarissa, you're so full of rubbish.

clarissa looks really funny here! her eyes are super huge and kinda copped, haha!
then, it was time, and we started counting down.

these were my favourite, they were Christmassy green and red!

the fireworks were pretty good, though not exceptionally good.
later, when some of the crowd cleared, we started cooking instant noodles!

what made the countdown even more special was that this was my first time going for a real one! i think it's a fantastic way to start the new year on a good note and for once, i was actually looking forward to 2008 (that's easy for me to say cus i don't have school! HAHA)
later on New Years Day, i went to meet becky. we watched I AM LEGEND. all i can say is that it is not for the faint hearted, and i can imagine becks sleeping with the light on tonight! hahaha! it's really quite a disturbing show, but Will Smith was a really good actor. i think his facial expressions are really good. for the movie The Persuit of Happyness, the part where he was hiding in the toilet with his kid, they had the camera on his face for a full 30 seconds and that part made me cry. they did the same thing in I Am Legend except that it was a dog instead of the kid and i felt really sad too. but i didn't cry only cus well... it was a dog!
becky then treated me to ChoczZz chocolate fondue. i wanted to pay her back, but i realised i only had big notes, haha. THANK YOU BECKS! i will treat you to something somewhere sometime somehow!

our finished fondue.

we then went to walk about the Esplanade area to try to take some artsy fartsy shots.

pretty much a failure

oh wells!

took two polaroids! one was ultinately dumb cus we tried to take the shot ourselves, haha!
and so that was my last day of 2007 and first day of 2008. i hope this never ends. and so! as how most of my very memorable posts go, i end off...
GONE SHOPPING, 1/01/2008 10:51:00 pm