Wednesday, April 30, 2008
i'm just kidding. everybody, i want to take this opportunity to suan audrey liaw shu juan. SHE THOUGHT THAT FREE CONE DAY MUST PAY FOR ICE CREAM, ONLY THE CONE IS FREE, HAHAHA! SUPER HILARIOUS! DEAREST AUDREY, FREE CONE DAY MEANS YOU GET A FREE
ICE CREAM AND CONEalrights, so i was desperate enough to go get free ice cream with Hey-Hey-Haley-the-Lady, haha! i had work at 5 and everybody ends school after 3 la! sickening. haley had work too but his break was from 11.30-12.30, and vivo was the nearest Ben N Jerry's to his work place so i headed ALLLLL the way to vivo to eat free ice cream with him, at 11 freaking 30 am. i had to wake up at 9 leh! (ok, sorry, i realised that everybody who is schooling, which is yes, EVERYBODY, has to wake up much earlier than that everyday to go to school.) so yeah, free cone day only starts at 12, so we got to be second in line (WHOO! totally rocks) and we saw the grand opening, which involves a biggggg POP! and lots of confetti, and walking life-sized ice cream scoops and ice cream scoopers and ice cream cones and a cow. and many photographers and vai-deh-o men. i wonder if i appeared in channel news asia. anyway, we had awesome free ice cream cones and we laughed at audrey and sent her smses saying "OMG, FREE CONE DAY WAS A RIP OFF. HAD TO PAY FOR THE ICE CREAM. should have known man, how did you know?!" HAHA, i was pretty tempted to put "I SHOULD HAVE HEEDED YOUR ADVICE" but we didn't want to make it so obvious that we were laughing at her. then she replied and until now, she still thinks free cone day is really just free cones. HAHAHA.
okok, no more suaning.
so yeah, haley went back to work and i continued shopping around, OH MY i GOSH, HOW I MISSED ZARA SOOO MUCH. i realised how i have forgotten that zara actually exsisted and i have no idea why whenever i go to town the last few days, i keep going to topshop and i'm starting to find that topshop is getting really overpriced and EVERYBODY has got the same stuff from there. and when i went to zara, I WAS SO HAPPY! i picked out a whole lot of things to try on and i was practically hugging them. i used to not like zara, but now i've realised how zara stuff (compared to topshop) are much cheaper (so shocking!) and they are starting to suit my preference of clothing more. actually i am quite suspicious as to why zara stuff are so cheap now. okay, maybe not zara but more of like, their TRF section. i am wondering whether they make use of child labour or something, and i kept checking the labels to see where the clothes are made in. but i can't know for sure anyway. oh well!
GONE SHOPPING, 4/30/2008 12:09:00 am
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Caught in a Landslide
for some reason, people have been telling me they hate me recently (refer to previous posts' comments, haha!)
oh well, anyway, yesterday i was really sad cus i kept telling myself that i couldn't go for WWRY again, and yet i kept on tempting myself to go. it was totally crazy, i kept on thinking about all the reasons why i should go and in the end tell myself no cus i've simply spent too much on it already. stupid mah. haha, and jolene had to listen to me go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth on whether i should go or not, sorry jo!
in the end i decided not to think about it and ask audrey to check whether there are even any seats for all of us in the first place, and if there is, then only would i think about it. haha! but it was still most likely a no.
so today, i was so kanchiong ok! i eyed my phone all the way from 2pm, waiting for audrey to call/msg/whatever, cus according to her, her classes end around 1 and she was going to tampines mall with the rest to get the tix. and yeah, i really didn't want to miss her call then in the end they just go ahead and buy tix for themselves (i don't why i was so worried about this since most likely i wouldn't be able to go, but it's comforting to know you still have a chance to go or not)
at around 4.40 i msged audrey asking whether she has bought the tickets already and she replied "not yet, still in school. will call you when we get la. haiyo. hahaha." HAHA, sorry. then around 6pm, she called.
A: hey max, you know whaaaaat! only got adult tickets left! no more student tickets! arghhhhhh! oh my gosh la, no more student tickettsss!! (she sounded so angry okay, i felt so sorry for her, at the same time telling myself, no way am i going already.)
M: (thinking that i should symphatise with her) oh maaan, so you bought the tickets yet? you know what, you should like wait a few more days to see whether they would have anymore student tickets, cus the first time my sis bought tickets for us, there was only student tickets for that day itself, but only adult tickets are available for the next week, no student ones. so like maybe when the date draws nearer and they find that they cannot sell the tickets to adults, so they will make it available for students as well.
A: oh, nono, you know why got no more student tickets? cus the last one sold was yours.
M: (i swear, i didn't understand this. in my head, i was actually thinking that i bought the last student ticket for my second time watching WWRY, then i was wondering how she knew it was my ticket which was the last one. and this is the hilarious part, i actually imagined that the Sistic auntie sitting at the counter was looking into the computer and seeing who bought the last student ticket and my name was there, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AND THE STUPID PART IS THAT YOU DON'T NEED TO GIVE YOUR NAME TO BUY TICKETS. and the even more stupid part was that my student tickets bought was for last sunday! i have no idea why i thought that way. HAHA! damn, so stupid. but of course i didn't say anything and went:) huh? i don't understand.
A: (beginning to repeat herself, but stopped halfway) EH, you purposely isit! you just want me to say it again! haha!
M: nonono! i really don't get you! (but after she said that, i started to get a hint of what she was trying to say)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! OMiG OMiG OMiG! I DON'T HAVE TO PAY? YOU GUYS SPNSORED ME? THANK YOUU!!! AHHHHH! (it kinda sucked cus i was working at Obolo at that time and i couldn't scream as loud as i wanted to. luckily there were no customers there at the time but Haley was giving me strange looks, haha!)
oh maaaaaaaaan, i was so surprised! i didn't know what to say but THANK YOU GUYSSSSS!! and in my last entry, I WAS JUST KIDDING. okay, wweeeellll, maaaayyybe i was a litle bit serious about it, haha! but only after i told audrey to read my blog and after reading it she started to play dumb and not notice what i said and then i started to dig up the past, like what i gave her for her birthday in sec 2 (HAHAHA!) and how we've met in pri 5 (though i didn't even talk to her until sec 1) to just prove my case that she should sponsor me though i didn't expect her to ACTUALLY DO IT. HAHAHA, ONCE AGAIN, THANK YOU GUYS SO SO SO SO SO MUCHHH!
HAHA, i am expecting people to tell me that they hate me in their comments.
GONE SHOPPING, 4/23/2008 08:52:00 pm
i. am. waiting. for. school. to. start.
be it a good thing or not that school starts later, i have still no idea what to do in my time. i've got a lot of ideas, like maybe start watching Heroes again, or continue with my korean dramas, but i. am. just. too. lazy.
i'm even lazy to start playing new games on my DS lite. btw, I AM FINISHING DINER DASH! i'm starting to think that i should stop playing it so much cus once i finish everything, it's not gonna be very fun anymore cus i know how it ends. okkk, go back to cooking mama. i feel as if my life is not going anywhere, i'm even starting to think that i want to go to aussie sooner, BUT NO, i won't :) i tell you i'll be pretty sick of there soon. THERE IS NO POKKA GREEN TEA THERE. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
sian. i'm waitingwaitingwaiting. waiting for my dad to realise that i'll need a notebook. waiting for weekends to come so that i won't be the only free one around. waiting to get my Old Town pay (OMG, I STILL HAVE NOT GOTTEN IT YET) waiting for DS lite games to start. WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO SPONSOR ME TO WE WILL ROCK YOUUU AGAIN!!! damn. dream on right? HAHA. yesyesyes, i know. but i'm itching to watch it again! like one last time. the laaaaaaast day. with the band freaks gang. us going crazy and jumping around.
i sound like i'm on crack. hokay, i shall go drown my misery in the WWRY soundtrack.
GONE SHOPPING, 4/23/2008 12:57:00 am
Monday, April 21, 2008
Under Pressure

honestly he looks the best on stage, not so good up close.
i want to watch the musical over and over and over again! shiiiiiiiiiiiit. they should have it on video or something, like how they have Rent in a movie version. or course the impact wouldn't be as great as watching it live but i really like their versions of the songs as well and the story lines and the jokes and everything. and the musical is rather long and there's really quite a lot of things to remember about it and i can't really remember everything which happened like how i would like to. damn it, i would really consider watching it a 3rd time if i didn't pay $150 for my first time (suaku suaku didn't buy student tickets la!) and if they ever do the musical again, like maybe 20 years down the road or something, the cast wouldn't be the same already, and i simply love the current cast! no prizes for guess why, haha! aiya, they're all simply extremely good.
oh gosh, i love the musical so much.
GONE SHOPPING, 4/21/2008 03:49:00 am
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Story Of My Life
2) I HIGHLIGHTED MY HAIR! of course i did it by myself at home la. i didn't let anyone else do it cus i didn't trust them. now it's kinda screwed, HAHA. but i'd rather know that my hair is screwed cus of myself than cus of someone else. and IT'S VERY DRY, IT FEELS LIKE BARBWIRE.
3) HAD BAKERZIN FOR LUNCH WITH MUMMY. and got myself a bakerzin card toooooo.
4) I BOUGHT A NINTENDO DS LITE! AHHHHH! RED ONEEEE. i bet everyone's cursing me for being to stupid cus i didn't get a PSP instead. okay, let us review the pros and cons here.
PSP looks super COOL. (pro)
only has the COOL boyish games (con)
has wifi + music player
DS LITElooks cute.
has all the cutecute fun games (pro)
has wifi to play with other gamers only
honestly, i really couldn't care less whether i can access the internet or play music cus i just want something to play games on. and i was rather peeved that ds lite didn't come in green! but aiya, red one also quite nice. and i actually prefer all the geekish cute games (like super mario!) as compared to the COOL PSP games (like silent hill :S HAHA) as i was really quite tempted to look COOL with a PSP but it's not reallly worth it WHEN IT DOESN'T HAVE COOKING MAMA. plus other fun games :D
GONE SHOPPING, 4/19/2008 02:16:00 am
Thursday, April 17, 2008
no more pokka and taohui in the mornings
The whole world is at the TP Orientation now and there is no one onlineee. Thank goodness i have a life and i'm going to get a haircut today! yaaaaaay, i have no more French, ballet exams are over, i've quit Old Town, the Band Concert has passed and i have absolutely no more commitments and it's like the start of my holidays again. ok maybe not so cus i'm still working at Obolo and with everyone going to school, i'm gonna run out of things to do by myself (on the contrary, i just realised there's such a thing as KOREAN DRAMAS. hahahahaha)
ok, i realised that a lot of people still don't know why i'm not in TP anymore, i mean like, whenever people ask where am i or whatever, i'll just tell them that i'm going to aussie but it's not like i msged everyone to tell them that i'm going (sorry, i only have 360 free msges a month leh!) so yeah, everyone, please peer below.
btw, those blotches of water are NOT tear drops, HAHAHA. a very hilarious question asked by audrey. so yes, auzzo land, Uni of Sydney, foundation course is at Taylors College though, staying in campus hostel, sharing room with one other person (i am damn worried she might be unhygienic okay!), probably leaving somewhere is july,
very much skeptical about going.
GONE SHOPPING, 4/17/2008 01:42:00 pm
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Plans of Stalkeration
Ordree Bandits, see me blog! HAHA says:
Let's go Esplanade on Wed, and stalk at the backstage door
maxine says:
hahaha, go marketplace!
stay there the whole day and see if we can meet mig or sth
(cus eunice and jo saw him there on the day they went to watch the musical)
or just wait outside ascotts
I can see the sunset in your eyes. says:
and you might probably see one bunch of people cycle pass you
Ordree Bandits, see me blog! HAHA says:
heart-shaped glasses roomeight6seven! says: (AM 01:10)
maxine says:
Ordree Bandits, see me blog! HAHA says:
Ok, Zeelyn go to Marketplace, Maxine to Ascott, I Esplanade.
Call if you spot him! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAA
maxine says:
I can see the sunset in your eyes. says:
hahahaha cool manzzzzzzz
maxine says:
maybe we should get walkie talkies
Ordree Bandits, see me blog! HAHA says:
FARAH! You're incharge of OUR walkie talkies
heart-shaped glasses roomeight6seven! says:
got handphone right?!
still need walkie talkie ah?
maxine says:
looking at this convo, you'd probably think all this while we were joking, you know, like one of those times where we plan dumb things but at the back of our minds we know that we won't do it. we're just planning it for fun. it was until farah said this when i actually considered really doing this.
heart-shaped glasses roomeight6seven! says:
maxine says:
Ordree Bandits, see me blog! HAHA says:
maxine says:
i don't know whether i am joking
yes. after this we didn't make anymore arrangements until today, audrey smsed me about going to esplanade and i bet she secretly REALLLLLY wanted to do it, haha! so we went to the esplanade with farah, weelyn, eunice and jo. we had no idea where to go, lazily slowly walking around trying to look for back doors. then we went to sit down and all "sighhhhhhhhh" together just being sianzzz. then we realised that this wasn't going to work (NO KIDDING, REALLY??) so we got uup and walked around somemore and i was like "hey! let's look at the directory to see if they'll tell us where the back door is! (i was just being dumb)" but for some reason we all went to look, i think cus we didn't have any better suggestions, haha! and lo and behold! behind the directory there was a railing and if you looked down, you'd see part of the backstage of the theatre! like OMiG aYESa!!! hahaha, and we actually saw Scaramouche and waved to her and many other GaGa Kids and the band mates too and even Killer Queen, but alas, no Mig Ayesa. we stood there for pretty long and waved at anybody and everybody who passed that way.
but honestly, i don't understand fans and the way they work. especially those really crazy ones who keep trying to meet some celebrity. like what's the point in meeting them? 1) for yourself? fine, take a picture, get an autograph, but THEN what are you gonna do? hug and love the autograph until the end of time? but it's only an inanimate object, it's worthless. 2) tell your friends. but THEN what happens? they'll go "wowww" and that's all. 3) my best reason i could ever give to meet a celebrity would be to make an impact, a lasting impression on the celebrity. the best thing you could ever get out of meeting him would be for him to remember you. but what are the chances of that? fans come and go, there are SOOO many fans, most of whom would meet him everyday and they become a norm to him. "heh. yeah, met some fans, nothing special." whatever you do, it probably wouldn't affect him. celebrities to me are like, these foreign creatures, they are cool, they are talented, everyone wants to meet them. but what happens when you meet them? nothing. absolutely nothing. they seem so faraway, so distant, so... so... UNTOUCHABLE.
i like a hot singer and actor once in a while, who i can drool over and rave on and on about how cute or how talented or how amazing he is, but it never seems to get me anywhere except into an obssession. to think about someone all the time and to admire the person so much without being able to do anything about it really sucks to me. so goodbye Mig Ayesa! no longer will i obssess over you.
shit, i am going to watch We Will Rock You on sunday again. so much for getting rid of Mig. i really can't wait though, the musical is simply
GONE SHOPPING, 4/16/2008 11:53:00 pm
Monday, April 14, 2008
lost myself
today was the worst day of work at obolo eveerr and i didn't think i would have the mood still to go for WE WILL ROCK YOU. suckk.
the storyline was pretty bad, the focus was everywhere and the plot was really messy. but let's just not try to be such good critics and go
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! seriously, if you can, go watch it, student tickets are hell cheap, 50 bucks (compared to the $150 i had to pay) best cure for a terribly bad day. it was just so VIBRANT, so full of ENERGY, so...HILARIOUS. it's really cool shit la. just go there and loose yourself man. it was so much more like a concert rather than a musical, i just had the urge to get up and dance. which i did eventually. HAHA.
he is rather...sorta...kinda...cute... i guess?
who am i kidding,
before this, i heard so many raves about him, but i just waved them away thinking, 'omg, what tweeny boppers.' but when i saw him, i'd expect myself to even TRY to not want to admit that he's cute, but he IS pretty cute. OMGGG, OKAY, MY RAVES END
ok, maybe it ends here instead.
GONE SHOPPING, 4/14/2008 12:33:00 am
Sunday, April 13, 2008
temp lie
examiner was from sydney, aussie. expected her to be extremely slack, with auzzo accent, and "whatever goes" attitude. i half expected her to go "G'DAY GALS". HAHA.
she was extremely friendly.
hmm... or maybe a little bit too friendly?
could be secretly marking all of us down.
think she probably was really strict.
feet started to cramp halfway through barre.
lost a bit of my directions at the end of my study.
rest of my group members all pretty pro.
super jing zhang!
such that i'm speaking cheeno!
haha, i will never forget how she says thank you, super hilarious.
GONE SHOPPING, 4/13/2008 03:08:00 am
Thursday, April 10, 2008
this came out in the last Sunday times:
ahaha, ok, ignore the extra decorations, i got carried away with photoshop. anyway, when i saw this, it was like, oh maaan, i can totally hear my mother's heart rip into pieces. hahaha, after reading it, she complained that her crepe cakes even looked so much better than that. oh well, everyone's hey days have to pass sometime. but i admit it is quite heartbreaking to think that your cake could have been number one.
Obolo came out too! HAHA, number 46. even polar's $1 sugar rolls beat Obolo's $6.20 Noisette. oh dear, i should be siding Obolo hor? but Obolo is overpriced and polar is cheap and i have always loved their sugar rolls ever since forever. so sugar rolls win. C: anyway i seeeeeriously never liked the Noisette, it's plain and not that chocolatey and the hazelnuts arn't crunchy (shit, can i get sued for saying this?) anyway, on sunday itself, we sold FORTY ONE Noisettes. siao, i had a lot of trouble counting and recounting how many we sold, and somehow just while i was counting, suddenly so customers kept coming in, and i had to keep starting over. dumb...
so yeah, since i am such a good employee of Obolo and i want people to have an enjoyable and worthwhile experience purchasing products from us, i keep suggesting to people that they should try the Soleil (which is my favourite) instead of the Noisette (which is the best seller). kena sai, people still keep choosing the Noisette. total idiots. haha, but today i managed to convince more people not to get the Noisette than on Sunday. omg, people who came into Obolo on Sunday all seem to be on a mission, BUY NOISETTES.
and somehow i don't really get the "Best Seller" logic. like how do they know whether something is best seller or not? well i guess at first it's really easy to tell, just see which cake is sold the most la. but after a while, new cakes are added and it may be a hell lot better than the best seller but because we keep telling people that this certain cake is the best seller, they would of course try the best seller first and it would be dunno how long later when they get to try the new item. so in the end, the noisette just keeps getting bought more and will continue being known as the best seller. so yeah, this is exactly the case for the Noisette and Soleil cus the Soleil is rather new (came out in Dec), after the Noisette was labeled the best seller and i honestly think that the Soleil could someday replace the Noisette as best seller. so yes, best sellers shouldn't be labeled as best sellers.
haha, i really like this article of the 50 yummiest cakes! i realised i've tried quite a number of them, without really realising. i think i love this article so much that i'm gonna paste it on my bedroom wall or something. maybe frame it up.. maybe put spotlights... maybe set up a burglar alarm around it... yeah... that'll be cool...
GONE SHOPPING, 4/10/2008 12:48:00 am
Saturday, April 05, 2008
WATCHED PILLOWMAN MAN. was initially supposed to go for St Pats band concert instead, but of course i'd choose to go for Pillowman right. actually jolena was supposed to go with becky for pillowman, but jo sold me her ticket cus she couldn't go, but its really quite sad cus i know she would have liked it a lot.
i had a lot of trouble finding someone to buy my st pats concert ticket, i asked almost everyone and even resorted to asking KCians. i would have easily sold it la, if everyone were not already going. it was already on friday, the concert day itself when i still had not sold the ticket. then on friday morning, the first day in a veryveryvery long time when i get to wake up as and when i like, i got woken up by a phone call. -_-" and usually i don't pick up calls when i'm sleeping cus my voice will be like shit and it was from an unknown number somemore, so i ignored it. and that person called like three times la, so i decided to just pick it up. the person on the other line was shelly. and she called to ask me whether she could buy my ticket! like wah, damn heng. then after telling her she could buy it, she continued to rant to me about how she lost her st pats concert ticket, circle seat somemore, and she paid 15 bucks for it. then i realised that the day before, clarissa found circle seat tickets at VCH backstage, so i told shelly about it, and in the end she got her ticket back. haha, very heng also.
yupyup, pillowman was really gooood! gruesomeee, yet really hilarious, and kinda disturbing. and in a way, it was actually somewhat... cute. in a ugly way. i was pretty shocked to find out that Adrian Pang was in it! playing a big role too. omg, Adrian Pang la, that MAGGIE AND ME guy. that Parental Guidance guy for heaven's sake! but turns out he could do a pretty good british accent and he didn't seem so Adrian Pangish to me anymore, haha. yeah, i don't really wanna tell you what it's about cus my sister who really wanted to watch it but didn't, asked me what it was about, and so i pretty much told the whole story to her. don't wanna do it again. so yeah, look at the picture and...go figure...
GONE SHOPPING, 4/05/2008 10:20:00 pm
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Time to Go
first day of work at Old Town was fun, then i started to experience more fussy customers and eventually it made work dreadful, and everyday i will walk that longlong route to Old town, past Katong Hotel where i would wonder whether hookers go there, past so many construction sites where i have gotten used to the bangalas, through the foresty passageway they call the road of laughter, through the underpass where i always imagine that Mas Selamat would pop out at the other end, through the scorching dessert-like carpark and to the back door of the kitchen when once i open the door, a whaff of air smelling like raw chickens defrosting will greet me, all the while getting more and more nervous about starting work that day. i always get very nervous at the start of the day la, like i have no idea what kind of trouble i'd get into.
i remember that there was one customer who went "why is my food taking so long? i ordered 4 boiled eggs, we've been waiting for twenty minutes! the other table's eggs already arrived but they came later. give me an explanation why it's taking so long, i demand an explanation!" oh man, like what am i supposed to do la. i also don't cook the food what. so i went to ask the egg cooker guy and he said, it's cus the other table ordered less eggs, more eggs so more cooking time. so i went back to tell the customer that and he asked me why can't we separate the eggs into more boilers. i really didn't know what to say la, so i just apologised. and he shook his head saying "this isn't the first time".
there was also another group of customers who complained that their eggs on toast was taking very long to come, and they've waited for 2 hours. (please, 1.that's so exagerated, and 2. they would be such idiots to wait for 2 hours) so i went to check on the time the order was keyed in, exactly 10 mins ago, which was exactly the cooking time needed to cook the eggs. then i went to check and saw them working on the eggs on toast already. so i went back to the customers and told them that it'll be served soon and that it's only been 10 mins since they ordered. then they were like "really ah, seems like 2 hours leh", and i really couuldn't help it but give them attitude, haha! i shugged and gave the 'so what' kinda look and walked away. HAHA, i couldn't help it! it just happened! anyway, they got freaking pissed and talked to the manager and left after eating.
customers are really hard to handle, it's really hard sometimes to not let their comments get to you, but i admit that there were a few times i felt like crying, BUT I DID NOT CRY HOR. yaa, most of the time it's just safest to say sorry and pretend to care, but laugh about it afterwards. maybe even spit into their food and serve it to them, ahah, just kidding!
after a while, it wasn't only the customers who were being a pain in the ass, it was the staff.
mid fourties?
table cleaner
total analistic
keeps on asking people to do things for her
omg, she is like some under-cover slacker or something, she keeps asking people to do things for her (clean tables, chop chilli, bring plates, everything la), and she asks in a sweet voice and gives the excuse that she has to do something else. in the end, i'm so busy doing her job, plus my own, that i don't even notice her standing around, staring into space while uncleaned tables are right there under her nose. so one day, i got annoyed and told her "hey mona, clean table #... and table #... got a lot of tables haven't clean yet u know." ten minutes later, she only cleaned one table and more new tables need cleaning, so again i told her which tables to clean, and she had the nerve to go "you cannot clean yourself isit?" OMGGGGG. so i went, "i'm keying in ordersss!" then she was like "that side is your side what, this is my side" my jaw dropped la, like SINCE WHEN WAS THIS ESTABLISHED?
not doing her job is one thing, trying to do another person's job is another. she's kept on trying to key in orders and either keys in the wrong stuff or hogs the machine, or most of the time, both.
table cleaner, later server as well
really hardworking
very ON
totally blur
very lor sor
catches no ball
but she's nice :)
oh, but lily always leaves early.
HAHAHAHA. get it? get it?
extremely lor sor, once, while he was lecturing us, 3 tables had finished eating and left.
favourite phrase is "walao ehhhh -mouth must sag a bit-"
always pleads with people to work longer hours.
once i found it so annoying that i msged him the days and times i can work and finished off saying "please do not ask me to work any more hours." i LOLed when he replied 'ok'.
has terrible mood swings, one moment he's totally ignoring the fact that i'm here, another he'll me telling me "eh maxmax, thanks for coming. i'm very touched" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, weirdo.
nicknamed TIME
so that we can talk openly about him in front of him
and whenever he comes into the kitchen while we're stealing food, we'll say "Time to Go" and quickly zhao, HAHA.
one day, uncle alex (the chef) was telling us about something which happened one day, "you know ah, that time i saw a can of carnation milk in my kitchen, then i thought, eh! this one not supposed to be here! who's that idiot who put here? (he's very particular about stuff in his kitchen) so ah, i went to NanNan, i asked her, you put this in my kitchen ah! then she say hor, no, it's Time put one. so ah, i went to Time and i asked him, eh Time! you put this in my kitchen ah! then you know what Time said? Time said, i where got time to put this in the kitchen!" HAHAHA, OMGGG, totally cracked us up.
very stand off-ish
when i first met her, i said "hi, i'm maxine" and she gave me a limp handshake and walked off.
once i asked her whether she has tried the curry mee, and she went to order it for me for my staff lunch.
i think she's malaysian. so my mum IS right, in malaysia, no one speaks english.
calls all the girls 'mei nu'
china woman
i sometimes can't get what she's trying to say, though i would understand if she didn't have the accent. so sometimes when i don't get her, she gets irritated and i get irritated.
but she's really nice la, so maybe i shouldn't include her as one of my case studies....
NOT. she's still from china.
but somehow it gets better, i'd always be happy when i'd have to wash plates and not face the customers. after washing a few batches, i'd turn around and steal some ikan bilis to eat (a trick learned from amanda, she steals papadum instead) and uncle alex (the chef) is so nice to us, he always makes for us stuff to eat and scolds mona, HAHA. ok, sometimes i feel pitiful for mona, there was once where she ordered curry me and asked for less oil, then uncle purposely put more oil! hahahaha! oh wait, i shouldn't laugh, i'm supposed to feel sorry for her hor? and the kitchen is like channy's and my hideout place, we go there when we're tired/hungry/bored/whatever. ohohoh, uncle calls channy his NU ER! HAHAHA. but after a while, cus i keep on hanging out with channy, so we hang out together in the kitchen, he started calling me his nu er too. haha, but ok la, it's like a 'society status', people won't dare to mess with you cus uncle is like a self-proclaimed big boss and no one wants to mess with him. and the best part is that he lets us cook sometimes! we always like to make the french toast, haha. but after a while, we just tried making whatever we can make, toast, polo buns, our own drinks, haha, just play around with the stuff. oh but one time, i forgot to toast the garlic butter on the bread! haha, and it tasted horrrriblee.
oh yeah, i can't stand the chef's english. once, i asked for beehoon noodles, and he scolded me cus in his dictionary, noodles refers to yellow me, beehoon is just beehoon. but after a while, i got used to it and started laughing at some of his words. he says french toast as fun toast, i think he means to say france toast or something. and you know how 'chef' is pronounced as 'shef' right? but he pronounces it literally as 'chef'. got the 'ch' sound. ahahah.
oh, i like it when jo visits us! she's always considerate enough to come during tea time when it's not crowded and she always takes pictures and jokes around. we always kena customer complaints cus we all get very excited and talk loudly la, but don't care, it's worth it. oh, and jo came up with the M&M show at Old Town. M&M stands for Maxine & Mona. OMGGG.
then after some time, they got a dishwashing man. uncle patrick (the other chef) told me that he's from sarawak, some mountainous region. people there all look like cavemen and if you put your arm in from of his face, he'll bite it, HAHA. and he gobbles down boils eggs IN ONE BITE. scary. ok, he should be my...
doesn't speak english
wears a JULIANA AGENCY shirt everyday (HAHAHA!)
they say he sleeps at the bus stop
thought he was rather nice but ended up scaring the shit out of me
he probably hates me cus once he asked me to help me put back the washed cups, but cus it was very busy i didn't want to. since he couldn't speak english, he had to point to the cups and point to the shelf la, so i pretended i didn't understand and walked away. then later he scolded me, but luckily the chef scolded him back, ahah. but i scared of him liaoz.
so after dishwasher dude came in, i started helping the two chefs bring out the food to put onto the counter where the servers will take them and serve. so even better, can eat more. but on sunday, which was grand opening day, the malaysian people all came down (cus Old Town is a malaysian brand) to run the place and Time took a time out (HAHA). then they totally re-numbered all the tables and i got so pissed with them. then they put me in a corner and told me "this is your area, so you just seat people in this area, take their orders and clean the tables alright?" so i continued taking food from the counter to serve and kept coming back once in a while to check on 'my area', and they kept on bringing me back to the corner and telling me the same thing, after the third time, i kinda got the idea that they don't want me serving (why the hell not?!) i felt so demoralised please! i down-graded from server, to dishwashing, to cleaning tables. last straw liao, i wanted to quit, plus old town wasn't fun anymore, everyone started to quit one by one, everyone's school is starting soon.
so my next working day was today, and channy and i were supposed to quit today. all the rest told Time that we'll all be quitting by next week, so since this is my only day i can work this week, i should just quit today la. then at the last minute, channy told me that Time asked her to work during the weekends, so she said that since she's doing the weekends, she doesn't want to come in today. omg, MY LAST DAY WAS SPENT ALONEEE. with lily and mona la. but in other words, ALONEEEEE. it was a very terrifying last day. i was avoiding 3 people today. 1. dishwasher dude. cus i accidently made the EMPTY dirty cutlery box topple over, and he stared at me as if he wanted to kill me, omg, i was freaking scared la! i kept on saying sorrysorryosrry but he kept on staring! so i quickly zhao. and it was really hard avoiding him, cus i had to NOT clean tables. so whenever i saw a dirty table, i just pretended to do something else and waited for someone to clean it, haha!
2. Time. i was avoiding Time (HAHA) cus he keep on asking me when i can work next, but actually i was gonna quit after today. 3. Mona. cus one day while casually talking to her, i told her that i'm also working at obolo. then she kept on asking a lot of qns, how much is the pay? where is it? how to go there? then i got suspicious, so i asked her why she want to know, and she said that might want to transfer there! then today she started asking me qns about obolo again. so ya, just don't talk to her.
yeah, it was a pretty difficult last day. but after the lunch crowd disappeared, i went to the kitchen to hang out and uncle made for me french toast with a sausage inside! wow, so special. then i was like, uncle! very nice leh! then he started showing me his ITE cert in chinese cuisine, and started showing everyone that he got an A. haha! funny uncle.
so when my shift ended, i went to talk to Time so that i could tell him i wanted to quit. i was like "oh, the rest told u that they are only working until the end of this week right? yeah, but i can't work any other days this week so i think today will be my last day." wow, i think i quit quite graciously, HAHA. okok, anyway, he kept on pushing for me to work one more weekend, "think about it leh, just this last weekend then can go already". but i really cannot tahan! though i do feel damn guilty la. so i didn't know what to do, then i told the chef that Time didn't let me quit cus they are really very shorthanded, then he was like "aiya, they shorthanded also not your problem la! just quit la, it's the management got problem, not your problem" waah, so after that, i felt less guilty cus it is quite true. and today, i was smart and i knew that Time wouldn't let me quit, so i had a back up plan, i actually asked my mum to come at the time my shift ended, so in the end my mum talked to Time and he had no choice but to let me off. so i am free, but not exactly guilt free though. OH WELL. PICS!


this is how we sms in Old Town, haha.

whenever we do toasts, this guy would go "-philippino accent-BURRRN. BURRRRN." and we keep on trying to imitate it, hahaha.

channy loves her ice fire chicken ham and cheese polo buns.

channy made her own fun toast!

playing a fool at the toast area


i guess the fun and happy moments are more memorable than the difficult times. there's this girl who works there too, we call her SaSa, she looks 21 but she's actually 29. and she's really nice, every day i come in and i give her a 'hello' kinda hug, and once, munir and chien (two other servers our age) saw and they were like, errr...then they started acting all gay! hahaha, idiots.
and omg, there's a customer who totally looks like Lim Mui Mui! and she comes quite often.
and there's also another customer who one day just came in and started pointing at me and telling his friends "ah, ya ya, this girl, last time she recommended me some stuff, wah, very ncie to eat leh!" and he kept going on and on when i don't think i've ever saw him before. actually i think he probably got the wrong person. but anyway, his friends kept on teasing me about it la, whenever i'm bringing food to the table, they will all go, "eh eh, xiao mei lai le." and they will start nudging him. then after that day, he came back yet again! with the same friends too. and that day he decided to adopt me. IT'S NOT FUNNY OKAY, OMG. like does this look like an orphanage to you?! and he told channy that i am his adopted god-daughter. HAHAHA, ok yes, it's damn hilarious.
GONE SHOPPING, 4/03/2008 02:14:00 am